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Fellas, I understand the concern for a dollar being spent! THIS dollar gets you something though! 6 months of access to my FREE content! LOOK AT MY PAGE!! (See free content tab new addition to Onlyfans) All of the pictures and videos I have posted has been done over the last year!!!! Take that , split it in half.... still a LOT of content coming for the year. Kindly do not disrespect the time I have put into this with a BS message like this! ALSO DO NOT IGNORE MY MESSAGES! I am watching, I am watching to see who leaves the dollar for 6 months (.17 cents a month). Those guys are my fans, I talk to my fans. Those that offer yourselves respectfully will be treated with the same amount of respect. NOW, for those that are SO disturbed by the dollar, I will comprise a list as to locations you can go get a dollar! If this works, I would like to see that you see how WORTHLESS ONE DOLLAR IS! It is the culmination of MANY dollars that adds up! I will never tolerate being accused of begging. (Watch some of my videos to see me give an example of begging!]  By the way, I get .80 cents of that dollar as Onlyfans takes .20    Do not however point a finger at me if you suddenly find yourself looking in these spots and hurting yourself!
#1 On the ground! That is right, on the damn ground! People are so busy with their phones that they never look down, change everywhere man!
 #2 Seats. Yup, ANY seat. Car seat,couch,stadiums,ride at fair seat, event 
seating.... you get the idea
#3 Drive through windows. Might wait after dark AND be quick about it! Open a door and grab that quarter that was dropped! People at windows always drop coins as they do not know how to handle cash money!
#4 Home appliances This includes washers, dryers AND vacuums. 
#5 Other people's shit! Where as we do not condone theft, there are a FEW grey areas. A salvage yard for instance. There is TONS of change there BUT it is time consuming! Pat reported once finding a sock in the trunk of a car with close to $60 in quarters! Your friends car seat. There should be a quarter or two!

This short list will get you started! AGAIN, do not complain to me if you get hit by a car seeing a quarter on the cross walk!



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