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“A man is only as strong as his voice inside. But a man that cannot identify his weaknesses will never become great.”

I have and have had mental health issues throughout my adult years of my life. I have suffered from mild depression and pretty crippling anxiety at times. All of which I have currently under control, other than the odd blip here and there. 

I suffered with anxiety for such a long time without realising I had any issue… why? Because IM A MAN😅 and I didn’t look into the way I felt because society tells us to man up, bottle it up, and grow up…

One thing that has helped me deal with my anxiety is RECOGNISING I have anxiety and being open with that. Once you recognise your issues no matter what they are, they become manageable, treatable and less of a burden on your life.

I’m going to making a video on this topic because I feel pretty strongly about it. I hate the thought of some of you guys bottling up the way you feel, letting society suppress it and ultimately making it 10000X worse, just like I did myself. 

It’s okay not be okay man. I’m not perfect. Nor is anyone! Everybody has their battles and fights there own demons no matter what you see on social media or on TV. Even just writing this out has made me feel better. 

Video to follow this week… P.S. I think I made that quote up but it seemed fitting. Love you all❤️

P.S.S nobody worry my mental health is better than ever right now, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.



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