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I am... finally... getting out of my depressive heartbroken existential hellfire FUNK

I want to just apologize from the deep and the darkness of Khazad-dûm of MY HEART for being absent. I reealllllyy never never never EVER want to disappear the way that I do but I just get so absolutely ashamed of myself that I can't face anyone in any sort of way. For a couple months, all I could do was sleep. I slept and slept and slept and ate when I needed to.

And every day that goes past that I'm not able to come on here and tell you guys how much I love and appreciate all of you.... I feel soooo guilty and then of course it just gets worse and worse as each day goes on.

But.... since I'm feeling better, actually able to move my body, not cry all the time, go outside... I want to come here and say.... that GOOD GOLLY... I may never be able to fully truly show the appreciation I have for you so that you would really understand how much I care about you, but I will work every day to get better, be better, and help others get and feel and be better too! 

Really nothing fills my heart more than genuine meaningful relationships. And I'll be honest, I don't have a lot of those in my life. So it's just nice to know that... you're here.

I love you so so sooo much and thank you so literally everything...
I'll be catching up on everything today. Thank you so so so much for your patience, it means everything to me <3


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