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✨Let Me Take The Lead 
The essence of leadership is making calls under pressure, even when you have no idea what the outcome will be. Whether your running a business, raising a family, or simply living your life, making hard calls when you have no idea of the outcome- taking the risk and putting yourself out there is what builds leadership skills. 

Having self awareness, self reflection, and self regulation is a major part of being a good leader. It is important that you are able to lead yourself before you can lead others. 

What are some key characteristics of great leaders?

💕:OPTIMISM- People need a leader to stay positive in the face of adversity. When things are going wrong they will be looking at their leader to see what reaction they need to have. 

💕: COURAGE- The foundation of risk-taking is courage, and risk-taking is essential in business.  

💕:  FOCUS- Allocating time, energy, and resources to the strategies,
problems, and projects that are of highest value is extremely important.

💕: DECISIVENESS- Leaders need to make quick and efficient decisions no matter how scary or painstaking it might be. Gather all the facts and resources you can and quickly make a decision. 

💕 : CURIOSITY- dynamics. The
path to innovation begins with curiosity. Be curious about the people you’re working with and working for. Be curious on information available. 

💕 : FAIRNESS- Strong leadership embodies the fair and decent treatment of people. Empathy is essential, as is accessibility. People committing honest mistakes deserve second chances, and judging people too
harshly generates fear and anxiety, which discourage communication and innovation.

Do you like a woman in charge? 😈



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