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💕New OFTV! How To Save Like a Savage💕

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Episode of Only Hustlers! Today we are going to be discussing how to save your cash. $$$

Do you feel prepared for a rainy day?! You never know what could happen, and hopefully nothing does, but just in case here are some of my tricks on how to save your cash.

One great way to save is window shopping! Its great because it gives the feeling of owning the item, without the actual purchase. 

Shopping releases dopamine, 🧬but it's not the purchase itself that releases the dopamine in our brains, it's the excitement leading up to the purchase that does. 

🛍A lot of times I will get a feeling of wanting to just go and buy a whole bunch of stuff! But once I get to the store I will just walk through and hold an item I like for awhile and decide if I like it, or I will pass by multiple shops and look through the windows imagining what it is like to have the item. Once I think about it long enough, I realize I don’t want it as much. 

Another great trick I learned from one of my cousins is she would tell herself “If I purchase this, how many hours of work is this equivalent to?” Once the money is put into perspective like that, things can sometimes change. Just taking a moment to realize how much TIME that new suit or sports car is going cost you. 🏇🏻

To see immediate results from saving money 💰 it can be good to transfer the money you would have spent into a high yielding savings account. 🚀

I like Marcus by Goldman Sachs, CapitalOne, ALLY bank, and LendingClub. They have great options for storing your money while also gaining a good interest rate. I like to look for interest rates around 1%. 

Keep in mind that Average inflation is roughly 2% and currently it’s even higher, so having a savings account is keeping your money safe but don’t expect too much growth. It’s also important to invest (but thats a topic for another day). 

most importantly, think of what your money is worth in its future value. 
When you save and invest your money, it’s going to grow over time…when you spend it, it’s almost like you’re halting its growth.⏳

so with this in mind next time you’re thinking about hitting the BUY NOW in your cart, just keep browsing for a bit. Chances are you won’t want that item after thinking about it more.

Thanks so much for watching and I look forward to hearing from you in the messages! 😉 And remember NFA & DYOR.

((Not Financial Advice & Do Your Own Research!📚))


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