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Morning Star & Morning Routines ⭐️

How you spend the first few hours in the morning impacts the rest of your day. For myself I have mad a lot of great habits, which I have learned from people who inspire me. One of my mentors taught me that within the first 20 seconds of waking up tell myself something positive ‘today is going to be productive/fulfilling/exciting/profitable, etc.’

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and many other’s swear by having a good amount of sleep. For everyone the perfect amount of sleep is different, but for Jeff Bezos it’s a full 8hours is key. 

According to Bezos, "I go to bed early, I get up early". After rising, he is known to enjoy "putter" around the house in the morning. He'll brew some coffee, read the newspapers, and generally not start work. When his kids get up, he prides himself on making them breakfast.

Warren Buffet day starts at 6:45 am after getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. When Buffett gets up in the morning, he doesn't reach for the coffee pot. Instead, the billionaire investor opens the fridge to get an ice-cold can of Coca-Cola.

Musk wakes up each morning at around 7 am. He says he likes getting around 6 1/2 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping in is not an option for him, saying it affects his performance more than if he sleeps less. After getting up, he showers, dresses, and enjoys a morning cup of coffee. However, he says he is usually in such a rush that he skips breakfast most days. On the days he does eat breakfast, he likes an omelet.

In a Reddit AMA he mentioned that showering is the most important part of his day. He says that he doesn’t feel in the right headspace without his shower, and it’s a critical part of waking up and preparing him to face the challenges of the day.

What’s your morning routine? I like to wake up and read my favorite newspaper WSJ or Morning Star 🙂



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