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🎄Merry Christmas🎄 

Some very inspirational words from Manny Khoshbin

“I’m not going to lie…

Early in my real estate career - and even in other ventures I started - I got lucky a few times.

I once made quite some money by investing in stocks before pulling out right before the dotcom crash in 2000…

My first real estate deal (flipping a house) turned $1800 into $80k…

And a couple of my first commercial real estate deals made me a few millions…

And although I was also at the wrong end of luck quite a few times as well.

The end result was green.

All these swings of luck (and bad luck) allowed me to learn A LOT while also making money.

In some cases, real money, like when I made a few million with my first couple of real estate investments.

Want to know what allowed me to get ‘lucky’ like that 👆? 

The fact that I was always in the game!

Always pushing and looking for opportunity.

When you’re on the field and have the right knowledge, you can always get ‘lucky’.  

There’s always that ‘lucky’ goal that gets kicked in. But when you’re on the bleachers watching, luck is not going to find you.

So my advice is to get into the playfield and level up your knowledge! Push yourself and work hard the same way an athlete does.

Luck will come, especially if you’re in the right place and the right opportunities manifest.

I truly believe you’re in the right place when it comes to building wealth through real estate.

And as I told you yesterday, this whole situation with the office space is presenting amazing opportunities.”



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