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I'm back in Costa Rica for a week so do your part to add ease to My last vacation before My big move.

Life Hack - Pleasing your Goddess

When My happiness makes you happy you have arrived.

It happens in stages. 

Step #1 quid pro quo - you buy a clip. I earn money. You get a reward through the efforts of My work (owning the clip) 

Step #2 being ok with Me getting more reward than you. Ex. Buy a clip with a markup code OR sending a tribute when buying a clip ‘just because’. Again, I earn money. You get the clip to own. I make out better than just the clip

Step #3 sending for My wants or My requested needs. Ex. Pedicures. You get a picture and maybe the color you get to pick, I earn the pedicure rather than self paying. 

Step #4 sending a tribute on its own. You know that I am happy to buy things or save for investments. This pleasure is mutual. You start to feel warm from your giving. The emotion is broader and you tingle with a new joy knowing you’ve liberated Me to soar. 

Step #5 committing giving to Me for whatever I want when I want it.  This rewards Me with freedom to do what I want - giving you happiness knowing that you’ve pleased Me. You feel ripples of happiness in your day at unique times. You channel desire for Me and it rewards you with vivid bursts of dopamine. 

Step #6 giving freely without expectation of any specific return. No pics of My pedicure. No note of appreciation. Just altruistic giving. 
This is the deepest emotion you can surrender to Me. These pets know that the meaning of their giving not only enables My freedom and joy - but it validates My prowess and takes My pleasure wherever My mind goes.  Very few cross the lintel into this phase. They have chemical euphoria on their brain at the slightest thought of Me. Any trigger that reveals Me in their day instantly radiates heat from head to toe and a pleasurable mental vacation from their lives. 

Your  untapped giving to these efforts only strengthen a strong Woman who then lives the life you richly want to see Me live out. Be My freedom fighter.



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