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I got fucked soooo good on my weekend away a couple of weeks back (and I still have new content to edit for you, so exciting 😈). 

BUT, I thought I’d just tell you how fucking scary my airbnb was because it’s funny and I legit can’t be trusted to do anything anymore (my last airbnb scammed me and this airbnb was straight out of a horror movie) - like you know when you see those stupid white people in horror movies who do everything that is going to get them killed, well that was me 🙃

First we couldn’t find the place and it was only when this man came out of a bush into the middle of the road, causing me to brake super quick that he told us he was our host. We parked at his place, got our stuff out. I knew it was a cute lil cabin, probably a 10 minute walk max, WELL NO… we followed this man for no word of a lie, 25 MINUTES through dense woodland, I honestly was convinced I was walking to my death. 

When we got there (somehow alive) we were told the whole place ran on a generator (doh for not reading the reviews Rosie), he showed us how to use it, all fine and then he left. 5 mins later I realised he didn’t give us a key to lock the place and that we’d still left stuff in the car that we really needed. So after siking ourselves back up, we accepted that we would have to walk the 25mins back through the woodland - we realised on the way back that there were forks in the path that you wouldn’t have even noticed walking the other way, so of course we got lost, and as a result of this, I walked into a random tent in the woodland, I mean ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I DIED. WHY THE FUCK WAS THAT THERE - literally traumatising.

When we finally got back to the car, we loaded ourselves up with all the too much stuff I’d bought (I was so hangry at the point as well) and I got a glance into his house to see this super, super old man (maybe 90?) with a crazy long beard just staring at the wall, not blinking, like legit he could have been dead 😭

We made it back through the woodland somehow (I was sweating balls lol) and when we got back the cabin, there was an axe near the front door that DEFINITELY was not there before (literally crying at this point lmao). We bought the axe in, locked the door and the generator went off meaning no lights, it was pitch black, we couldn’t cook anything or charge anything or ANYTHING. Luckily I bought a super good torch with me (sexy wilderness Rosie, am i right? 😏) and we were able to turn it back on (with me wielding the axe lmao) but I am SO convinced there was someone out there.

We made dinner ok but I couldn’t sleep all night, there were so many sounds outside and I kept hearing a dog barking in the distance (I hope it was ok 😭). 

In the morning after about 3 hours of broken sleep, I was just glad to be alive. We decided we’d go out for breakfast because I needed to go see the real world for a bit. As we left the cabin, seeing the place in the daylight for the first time, I saw that there was an abandoned caravan literally 10 metres away (non-abandoned ones always freak me out so bad on walks) and that there was another cabin across the lake from us the whole time when thought we were alone. When we started walking back through the woodland back to the car, the place was also 10x more terrifying in the daylight, there were multiple abandoned buildings off the path, an abandoned bus (?!) and clusters of tents which looked like they’d been set up but no had ever gone back for them 😭I couldn’t believe we walked past all this that night, having no idea what what we were really walking through.

When we got to his house, the super old old man (not the airbnb owner) was sitting in a van parked next my car, just not moving, wtf man, was he ok? 😭BUT (and here’s the part where I was the stupid white girl in a horror move), after breakfast we still went back to the cabin, I got fucked real good and we stayed another night, because the morale of this story kids is that the scary abandoned cabin in the woods, where no one can hear your screams (or moans 😏) is still better than living with my parents. Fin.



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