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“I am utterly entranced . There stands a colossal Goddess in front of me. I am hiding behind a loosely coiled pile of green rope after cheekily watching the Giantess from what I thought was a safe distance. And I am stunned with fear yet oddly conflicted at the thought of being found.
She proudly voices Her intent to find me. She’s hungry and the sound of Her snack being crushed between Her unyielding teeth rings through my ears.
“I’m feeling snackish,…” She taunts, coyly “and this is just.. not doing it for me.” The words drill into my head as I imagine myself following Her hor d’oeuvre down Her throat and into Her gut. The conflict I’ve been feeling makes itself known to me as I think of my desire to live yet also wanting to feel the squeeze of Her oesophagus pulling me towards an inevitable fate of being digested by this gorgeous titan before me.
Her voice captives me into letting my guard down. “HA!” She exclaims. Before I have time to react She scoops up my comparatively minuscule body.
She expresses Her desire to swallow me, and as if by telepathy She states that She knows I want it. I.. I do. I can’t hide it from Her or myself any longer. She soaks my body by licking with Her muscular tongue. “Let’s not beat around the bush” She whispers. Another couple licks and I feel completely saturated in salivary fluid, but as She opened Her jaws I knew that it was nothing compared to what is coming next. I am slowly lowered into Her mouth and suddenly I’m surrounded by humid darkness.”


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