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  • 80da154d-6ed7-4c44-bdbd-0012202c3e54.m4v


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“I awaken but my mind is foggy. I remember being in a bar last night and there was a woman. All most too beautiful to comprehend. She kept saying She was a goddess and I was chosen to be Her pet should I pass. I realize that I hear a noise and I look around to see others are with me. We are in a weird room. Then I hear a scraping noise. As we walk out of the room I am hit with a wave of understanding! We weren't in a room but in a box! Everything has grown to gigantic portions! Then I see Her. The Woman from the bar. She is so beautiful and commanding. Standing before us She tells us that we will be playing a game. Oh how Her words are like silk and fire all at once. She commands us to call Her Goddess and before I can think I shout yes Goddess. It feels so right to call this being that. It is clear that this Woman is more than a mortal! The game is to climb Her. Starting at the front then moving to the back and the first one to finish has to ring Her nipple. My Goddess of passion and lust commands and I will do all I can to win. For I must be Her pet!!”

Oh what fun!!!


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