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So I'm really behind on responding to DMs.
I see you, and I'm sorry I promise I will get back to everyone but lots going on. Keep reading to know more!

A week ago my dogs massacred a family of squirrels. One baby was still alive so I took her in until she got better. It worked! And once she was up and moving around we set her free in the front and she ran and climbed away like she hadn't just been tormented by my crazy dogs. Very proud of her recovery.

THEN a few days ago I noticed a cat in our yard. So did the dogs on the way home from our walks. Hed been sleeping in our plants by the front of the house for a few days but I noticed he wasn't our neighbor's cat, just similar coloring, so I went out to check on him.
He's the skinniest little thing so I got him some food and water and he's been so grateful. He's such a friendly and social little guy. I think he might have been lost since he seems so comfortable with me, but if so for quite a while since he's so thin and missing quite a bit of fur. Anyway it's animal rescue round two!
I swear I don't do this on purpose, animals just kind of find me, (usually cats I was kind of known as the stray whisperer back home) so I've had many pets but I've never actually bought one 😂 if my dogs weren't crazy I'd love to take him in. Trying to get him healthy and find him a forever family.

Thank you all so much for being patient 😘🥰



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