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Heyyyy all my fellow kinksters, I wanted to take this time and thank all of you for being so supportive and sticking around to follow me on my, always evolving and changing journey. I typically don't open up and share too much about my private personal life, The behind the scenes so to speak. but I have been absent for some time and feel that you all might like some insight as to why.
 For quite some time, I have been so overloaded and busy I actually had to take some time off and decompress. It was weighing way to much on my mental and left me feeling very overwhelmed pretty much daily. most of you may know how involved it can be on a constant level as a performer. For those of you who don't... the average day to day is an always fluctuating, always busy schedule and you learn to take opportunities when they are there. The difficult thing about this, is moderation... It's very easy to become consumed by the constant upkeep as a performer with managing all our social media pages, answering all my messages and emails, updating my sites and onlyfans accounts. As well, engaging with my fans "as best as I can because there are many of you" I also edit all my own content and upload it which can be very involved and time consuming to say the least. Before I ramble to much about what goes into the day to day and how it can be quite overwhelming at times. Especially with facing the "could I have done more, should I keep working, should I answer this last email about a custom before I go to sleep so i don't miss the opportunity, Etc. Etc.  needless to say... I needed a break. So, I took time to focus on myself not only mentally but physically. I am now mentally in a much better place andddd I'm in much better shape. I must say... it Feels damn good to rest and reset. I feel recharged and ready to get back on that grindddd πŸ˜‹

That being said... I will be taking Custom video request again and also will be much more active on here as well as my sites and social media. Time to get back into my groove that I know and love so that I can continue to do what I do for all of you beautiful souls. If you did want to order a custom video, please DM me or E mail me to discuss details. My prices Vary depending on what type of video you were interested in as well as the length of the video. I am open to manyyyyy different types of kinks and fetishes so don't be shy or reserved about your request. If you want it, I've probably done it before. So dont feel hesitant or ashamed about something you like or enjoy or would like to explore the possibilities. I'll take a note out of Planet Fitness's book "this is a judgement free zone" you are welcome to explore all your curiosities on your sexual journey and I would be glad to be a part of it. So many people live behind closed doors so to speak. You're not alone, basically everyone has a kink or fetish they hide do to fear of being judged or misunderstood because of something you like. Or might like. You never know where life will take you 
and I can tell you from experience the journey is alwayschanging and evolving including your likes sexually. Hence... the journey. 
That being said, Let me know what you had in mind and we can go from there πŸ’‹πŸ˜‹πŸ’‹
On a side note...
I want all of you to do me a favor and continue to grow and explore and live your best lives. Grow into the best being that you are meant to be. Explore your kinks and fetishes before it's to late, life is short and you never know when it's your time. So have fun, eat good food, fuck, stay hydrated and just live your best lives β€οΈπŸ’‹β€οΈ

You all forken rock!!!



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