Dreadfully sorry for not posting, but Ziggy is not well.... .. (OnlyFans)
2023-11-11 08:48:30
Dreadfully sorry for not posting, but Ziggy is not well.... The tumor on his jaw has doubled in size within months, whereas it was a very slow growing oddity of over 5 years. Needless to say, feeling heartbroken, dosing him with Gabba Pentin for calm/pain relief. His territorial marking has subsided, he actually gained weight, but not enough despite ravenous appetite.... He has invented his own language, to substitute his former extremely loud Bengal yawning: By knocking down 2 cow horn chew toys, the jarring sound alerts to Ziggy's now near constant demands for food, or medicine, he can't say which, so it is in fact he gets both mixed. We kowtow lovingly, around the clock, at the end of life, just as we did at the beginning, with babies of any species. Tuesday is vet day.... Please share this birthday greeting in support, we thank you! 😻 #Love #Animals #Bengals #BirthdayGreeting #Cute Birthday ##Cats