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What part of 2020 were you the happiest and felt the healthiest and most alive? Please share your stories below. The more we learn, listen, grow, the more we help ourselves and others. How are you going to start 2021 on a positive note to be your true authentic sexual self? Are you ready? Every day I am learning and trying to be better for myself and you. I struggle every day with anxiety and stress, especially during holidays and the end of the year. Am I doing the right thing? Should we keep going? Yes, we should & do it sexy. Plus, it makes us push ourselves even further. Daily reminders help and writing and being positive, focusing, slowing down, and enjoying life to the fullest. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Are you living every day with passion, love, and happiness? It’s the holidays, and most people spend money they don’t have, live way over their means on credit cards and debt. Does that stress you out? What happened to America? The bigger, the better syndrome on the bigger the house, the bigger the diamond ring, the more expensive car, shoes, and extravagant fake, unrealistic life. For what? For image? Are you ready to slow down and enjoy time with your family, talk, hug, play board games, and really connect? What family traditions did you play or do growing up? Holidays this year, get off your phone, computer, camera, television for at least an hour. Sounds hard and crazy, right! Spend time with the ones you love and experience family, friends, and loved ones without technology. Please share how you felt before, during, and after you get off the media-technology challenge? We don't need the stuff to make us happy. Do we? We need love, connection, food, water, and shelter. That's it! Are you really happy and healthy inside and out? Are you having sex, connection, and orgasms? Want to hear my story and how I became a minimalist, road trip crossed country to NYC and my life as the sexy sexologist? Please join our @drresa sexy adventures and come for the ride.... xoxo, DR #drresa



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