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Which person would you invite over for dinner that you admire who is alive or dead? Albert Einstein is my new crush & I would love to get to know him better in more ways than one! Have you seen Genius Story about Albert Einstein from a y*oung age till his death? I highly recommend it! Join in & I would love to hear your thoughts! I will be talking about how much I feel a connection with him. We are both Jewish; he is a scientist I am a sexologist, we are both open-minded, he smoked tobacco out of a pipe I smoke weed. We both failed exams & school was challenging. Most times, I grew up feeling stupid & I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, but I realized years later, I have a learning disability, anxiety & ADD. (Blog & Vlog Soon on Sex & Anxiety) Einstein & I both speak our minds & we are honest, real, and not private. In the 1920s, while Einstein was living his life, what he was doing was taboo & looked down on. 2020 100 years later, what we do and talk about is still taboo. History is repeating itself at this moment & the other Einsteins & I need to speak up, show up, and spread the words of wisdom of love and kindness & unite. He wanted this, but because he was Jewish during Hitler days, he never stopped loving his passion & speaking his truth. He got knocked down many times & he kept standing right back up. We all need to stop Trump NOW & Stand Up. We cannot go Backwards. We fought way too hard to get here & we need to use & learn Twitter & other Social media & Speak Up! We all have a voice-social media-friends-family-coworkers-partners. Follow your love, your passion & speak your truth! Every story matters & we all need to be heard! What's your story? Whose your Crush? #einstein #alberteinstein #genius #anxiety #scientist #crush #jewish #loveyourself #love #bekind



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