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Do you want to hear me talking about my dating life? What about sexy #selfcare ideas? I would love to talk about that, but politics get in the way, and if we don’t speak our truth and fix these issues, myself and many others will go away. What that means- onlyfans, all online dating, social sites, porn sites, and anything sexual. Many more sex video/toy stores & strip clubs will shut their doors. Wake up, America. We need to make America sexy again or finally. That means loving yourself & knowing your passions, beliefs, and desires. Take away what your family, work, religion, politics, friends want, but what do you want? Trump is organizing a dictatorship, terrorist/hate groups right in front of our eyes. It’s been there all along but hates and dividing the world is because of power, money, control, and religion is the entryway to brainwashing you. Trump is speaking to his voters and not talking like a president to all of the people. Separation of church and state the first amendment is a crock of shit. It’s been happening for years. There is an underground government & religion, and it’s called The Family. Watch it on Netflix. Have you heard of the prayer breakfast? They pray to Jesus and talk conservative ways, and if you don’t believe in this, you are nothing to them. Trump is building his kingdom, his terrorist and hate groups, and it will get worse & scarier with Trump and McConnell in office. Thank god they are out of the office! This is happening worldwide because of phones in our hands, media/ news we choose to watch & read, and who we spend time with. Do you know this is how people become manipulated, brainwashed, and a dictatorship? Do not let him in the office again. It’s 2021; we need to wake up & realize we are everything; we are sexy, human, and alive. Love you, sexy ones!! xoxo, DR



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