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What would you do if the power went out? Do you understand that power controls our world? Especially the electric power. I am staying in a small town on the beaches of Mexico, and I am getting used to no internet where I am staying, spotty phone service, and the power goes on and off. Would you freak out, or would you be ready for a power outage? What this means is no internet, no wifi, no charging your phone, computer, or any electrical products. The fans, heaters, air conditioners, and water will stop working. What would you do without porn, Netflix, Instagram, Twitter, and so on? Do you have any hard-earned cash, aka real paper money at home?
When the power goes out, ATMs stop working, Apple Pay on your phone won’t work. Getting gas, water, food with a plastic card will not be of any value. What would you do? Are you prepared for an emergency to keep yourself, your family, and your animals safe? Do you have a sexy emergency kit? Do you need one? Are you ready to buy or make a first aid, food, water, necessity kit? We never know what’s going to happen, and small changes to prepare yourself will be much needed in the long run. A power outage or a catastrophe could be a quick change or fix and or could last for days, weeks, or months.
We don’t realize and appreciate what we have until it’s gone. I am not talking about wants, but what needs are in your life? People in this world don’t have the money, education, clean water, or a warm bed to sleep in. We are spoiled and or used to having luxuries, but is it all on credit cards, loans, or borrowed? It feels like it's ours, but is it? Start thinking about your future. Most of us think of today, and that is great, but what if the power stopped, or you lost your job, and you couldn’t pay your home loan. These are essential questions to ask, and that’s why you should vote. Register today and Vote on November 3rd, 2020. Voting is not going to change a power outage, but voting is your voice and a right to speak. Today is masturbation Monday try to enjoy a day off of using power and see how you survive without your phone, computer, and car. Enjoy time with yourself and learn and love you without distractions from time-wasting swipes on our life. Remember you are confident, sexy and worth it. Love you sexy ones. xoxo, DR #masturbationmonday xoxo, DR @drresa drresa.com drresa.xyz youtube.com instagram.com/drresa twitter.com/askdrresa



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