Just wrap your legs around my waist, I won't stop until you .. (OnlyFans)
2023-06-15 05:39:20
Just wrap your legs around my waist, I won't stop until you ask me Don't you worry bout us messing up my sheets. 🥴🥵 @datfatsnowbunny There's a lil more to it than that one post. But yea, you can get abs just kinda dancing with weights in your hands. Flex the shit outta your stomach and bob up and down on your toes to engage you calf muscles. Dip your shoulders in different directions to work the core at all the way thru, not just upper abs like most people primarily work in the gym. It's basically standing crushes but I can also lift my weights at the same time to work my arms, shoulders and chest. I like compound movements that work multiple muscles at once for an efficient workout. I don't always have an hour worth of energy to spare for a super-long workout. If you go hard you can be sweating and panting from this in just a few minutes.