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Well yes, it is true that I have never been tipsy or drrrunk. I have always hated the taste of alcohol so it just missed me. So there's that.

It is indeed also true that I spend an inordinate amount of reading about Nazis in my free time. I’ve been working on a book project for almost 5 years and so that just requires me to dig deeper and deeper into this remorselessly dark hole but I think I’m close to finished so no turning back now.

Guess what's also true: it is extremely hard to make a living off this if you are a straight white male creator in his 30s. Furthermore, last year there was a 44% increase in creators on OF so it has become much harder to make a living off this period. In my best months I could make (a lower tier NYC) rent but not recently. Part of this might be by choice: I firmly believe that the way to make real money as a straight male creator is to produce quantity – and I personally just can’t work that way. All that being said, I’m not complaining one bit: content is my kink and I just really love doing all this so I’m happy with any and all support I get from anybody. I am honestly not sure I could actually ever live off content even if I went all in with it. Just a heads up: very, very, very, very few men do.

And so… I honestly believe that the craziest thing about all of this isn’t everything you see on here but what you don’t see. And I guess going to AVN this year gave me a renewed appreciation for where I come into all this. I am indeed married, and have been in this very loving primary relationship for the past decade. My partner doesn’t do Onlyfans, has no real interest in it but she knows some of my scene partners intimately, some of them came to our wedding. We date together and apart, she has her boyfriends, I have my partners. It’s been a slow progression but we are at this point a very happy polyamorous couple.

If there’s something worth talking about on here that’s not porn related, I guess it would be this. It’s not for everybody but I think many more people should be in open relationships. However, in my pretty long experience, it’s the men who struggle with the idea of non-monogamy, and I know way more women who are hoping to open up their relationships than I do men. 

I'm posting this because it's something more and more people have asked me about and so perhaps it's something worth unpacking a bit. So I might just do that this year. But there you have it. 

Thanks for playing along and getting this far. 



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