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Good Afternoon! Would you look at that cling? ;)

I am still moving older videos up so I can add a preview thumbnail and any keywords I may have missed previously so they are easy to find. Just search a title or specific keyword and you will get a list of all videos with that keyword or title. ;)

I have received some messages about if I am going to be creating new content anytime soon and yes, once I feel 100% better that will be the very first thing I am going to do! I am still having some after effects of the covid like my chest hurts every day very badly. It's more of an ache, I can breathe just fine and don't have pain with breathing, but my chest cavity -- I guess is the best way to describe it -- is hurting me.  I am also still battling fatigue and high bl ood pressure. Another very ODD side effect is I have been smelling what smells a little like smoke and sewer LOL. Several other people I know have said they have had this side effect as well. One person even got up to check the house at night to make sure it wasn't on fire :o  This is a strange virus, people. Very strange. 

Anyway, I can't wait to get back to making new content! I love being able to unleash my creativity and it relieves stress for me to do so. 

I hope you are all doing well! Stay safe out there!



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