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#long read

You know guys... I feel a little bit inspired today for unburdening my chest :D I know usually OF is not a platform for opening hearts and long talks... but. Its my safe space, my creative space, and I just feel like I want to share some things that are on my mind.

I'm endlessly grateful for those who enjoy my page, enjoy what I do.. And by "What I do" I dont mean it in, like, porn way. I view this a bit differently, and I always try to get that through to all those who are willing to talk and listen. 

I view what I do here from a more artistic approach than plain porn. I actually enjoy talking to people who follow me, support and appreciate me. Because everyone is so different- different in the way they speak, they interact, the things they like and want. And whenever I reach out to tell good morning or ask how was your day, I really mean it. Yet, I think OF has a huge number of creators here who are ruining the image of sincerity as a whole.

what i mean by that, I'm sure you get spam. Even I do get spam from other girls. And with time it might just all blur into the same thing - constant spam, pussies, boobs, asses everywhere you look - and they all start to look the same with time. I get it. And I think thats the reason people tend to leave OF after some time, as they don't find anything authentic in here anymore.

And I really don't want to sound cliche or whatever saying "I'm not like the other girls". I mean, I'm a simple girl. I may not have the biggest, nicest boobs, I may not have the flattest tummy or the longest legs. So I'm just like so many other girls - a regular girl, with a regular job, living a regular life. Yet, during my time spent here, I realised whats the most important thing for me - is bringing other person joy.

I mean, sexuality is such a subjective and personal thing. And touching upon that private part of people, getting to really know them, understand them and explore things with them is what makes it all so interesting, fun and important for me. I love being able to give people something that, perhaps, they can't get anywhere else. Something personal, something JUST FOR THEM. To give them safe space to enjoy themselves, to be seen, to feel safe to open up and explore their deep passions and deep fantasies. And Im very happy that with time I managed to surround myself with a fair amount of people with whom together we can get to know ourselves better. Experience things. Push boundaries. And create a lot of memories.

So, I genuinely want to know You, if we havent connected that well yet. If you took your time to read this, I really hope to get your message and start to get to know you better. Because I really love this hobby of mine, and bringing joy, making people happy, making them feel safe, secure or providing any other kind of attention they might be needing. So if you feel like you want something more than just seeing "another pair of boobs", I do really hope that I will see you in my messages :)

Have a lovely Friday <3



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