I LOVE ELEPHANTS PART 1: video As you all know by now I'm a.. (OnlyFans)
2018-09-08 05:49:53
I LOVE ELEPHANTS PART 1: video As you all know by now I'm a lover of animals. There aren't too many animals that I don't find fascinating! And the more dangerous they are, the more I want to get to know them, and experience what it is about them that I find so intriguing. Is it the fact that they could easily kill me, but choose not to? Is it the fact that maybe they are just misunderstood? There's so much that we don't know about animals. They can't tell us how they feel or what they are thinking, so we silly humans have to make an education (or sometimes not so educated) guess. Elephants can be both peaceful and fierce. You do NOT want to get on the wrong side of an elephant. This is an Asian Elephant, and he is massive. Asians usually aren't nearly this large. He is special...considered a temple elephant, which means if he still lived in Asian he would be worshiped for his unique beauty and size. He has been such a joy to work with. I have had the honor of shooting with him many times - I feel so blessed.