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It's safe to say this killer diamond & gold bikini (courtesy of Liam)  couldn't handle my curves in Hawaii.  I was spilling out everywhere I needed more time to get the perfect shots.  I believe this shoot lasted about an hour.  Not nearly long enough to capture those epic unforgettable shots.  The good news is I'll be taking this suit to Mexico with me on Thursday, and you can believe I'll be spending more time in it.
I am very much looking forward to my Mexico trip on Thursday for many reasons, but the #1 reason is I get to shoot all day everyday for 6 days straight, which for me is a truly a productive amount of shooting time.  This time no friends.  As much as I love my friends I'm not taking anyone with me on this trip except for crew, because I really wanna get a ton of content produced.  Friends are loads of fun to travel with, but as we all know it's just difficult to get much work done with them around, and it's not that they intentionally stand in my way or anything like that, but I suppose it's just the nature of things to get distracted or spend too much time talking and being leisure.  Modeling/photography takes a lot of planning and hours of scouting locations and then shooting.  Typically, modeling trips are ALL work.  Don't let anyone fool you.  It's getting up early for hair/makeup and then heading out to the location before the light turns harsh.  You spend the day chasing light... moving from place to place to find the most flattering gold tones as photographers prefer soft filtered lighting.  Anyway, it's a lot of work.  It's tiring, but also a lot of fun.  We typically shoot until there's no sun left, which is typically 7pm or so depending on time of year.  And there's no getting dolled up in a sparkly dress for fancy dinners either like you'd imagine.  We eat in whatever restaurant is still open at that time of night, and we drag in looking, well, sandy, sun-kissed and tired.  But for me it's a good feeling, because I am thinking about all the epic shots I hit that day, lol.  I love the feeling of success and knowing the shots will be instant classics.  So, after that I go back to my hotel or villa, and as tired as I am I still have to shower and prep my outfits and hair for the next day.  I try to get a good 6-7 hours of sleep and then it's up to do it all over again.  It is hard work, because it's physical work, and I am out in the elements dealing with whatever comes my way.  Posing is very similar to working out.  In fact, after a long day of shooting you wake up the next morning very sore as if you were in the gym hitting a full body boot-camp!  I suppose it's like doing all day yoga.  Anyway, tomorrow I will be making sure all my loose ends are tended to, and everything is packed.  I'll be taking my new laptop and 2 new cameras! Can't wait!!



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