TB came over and we made some shadow puppets together, It wa.. (OnlyFans)
2024-01-28 13:53:49
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TB came over and we made some shadow puppets together, It was quite fun :3 I'm not a great mood though. OF removed some of a my drawings for content violations :( I did an appeal and got them back but I'm feeling quite uneasy about the whole illustrations thing now, The level of stress and panic I experience when I see a warning message is just too much. I crumble and fall to pieces, I can't deal with it at all. So that puts me in a crappy situation, I love doing drawings of freaky stuff from my brain and it's quite fun trying to work within the ToS to some extent... but at the same time I get so destroyed any time I miss the mark and get content removed that I feel like it's kinda not worth risking it. I'm scared to post the next part of my adventure thing incase it gets removed, it sucks. What if I get banned? I would just be over if that happened. I've messaged support to see if they can reassure me, but past efforts at that have just come back with an unhelpful "Just read the ToS and you'll be fine", Illustrations are always partially up for interpretation for what they are showing so it can become a matter of opinion whether something has violated the ToS or not a lot of the time. Is it a carrot? or is it a novelty carrot dildo? They both look the same when you draw them, one is a content violation. I'm waiting to see what they have to say before I post any more stuff like that so fingers crossed that it is positive. Sorry about the moaning rant, I love you guys XOXO