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I can’t wait to be around people who don’t make me want to drink or do shrugs 

Or stay alone is good, too 

I just don’t even understand how they ended up that way. If any of you know people like that or if you used to be like that, or if ur a therapist or parent or teacher, can u please explain to me how u/they outgrew that or how u get someone out of whatever the fuck my ex is on

He’s not the first person to talk to me like this and just blocking them isn’t the answer I’m looking for. They keep going and doing this and I don’t want them to just act like to other people after me. I just want to know how people are supposed to talk to them and what to say. My parents didn’t talk to me growing up so there’s a lot I don’t know. I just don’t know how to unpack this . I don’t want a world full of people like this. Even if it’s information that has to come from an older white person. They would yell at me about this stuff but if it were an older white man, I don’t think they would talk to them with the same animosity. I don’t really know what to do. Some people see me and that’s just the energy they grab onto for whatever stupid reason out of my control. If I’ve been aggressive, short or guarded with you, I hope u understand it’s cuz I’ve had some things going on elsewhere or from my experience.


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