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Writing ✍️ :

Apple Blossoms: We need writers. 

Princess Garfield: For what? 

Apple Blossoms: Really important work. 

Princess Garfield: oh? Interesting. What kind of writing? 

Apple Blossoms: Filth. 

Princess Garfield: Really important… filth? 

Apple Blossoms: Erotica, fan fiction, lemons, stories, Fiction, roleplay, fantasy. Adult stories. Captions. Sexxy Improv. Call it whatever you want. 

You can’t get anywhere in this industry without the pull of our words. There’s no value in being ugly with 3 followers. Hot and boring, we can work with. 

If we can’t make sales, we won’t be able to buy more water filter stations and school supplies for those refugee orphan childrenn of color. This is something we must do. Their livelihoods are stake, they need more water filters so they can have clean drinking water. 

We need to sell more digital pictures and fantasies. Just the visuals isn’t enough. We need caption writers who can even reach the dark depths of their the masses minds and hook them into wanting even more. 

This is the model. * Apple Blossoms hands Princess Garfield the phone.* Her name is Cindy Moon. She’s terrible at writing captions. Couldn’t sext to save her life. Possibly mostly asexual. We’re to be her spirit guides and help her channel her inner venus. Stimulate people’s imaginations. 

Princess Garfield: *scrolls through content bank for media to be captioned*  Um… i guess we could try. 

Apple Blossoms: We’re trusting you with this. 

Princess Garfield: 😂 Sure.



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