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I told him again I love him less and less every day. 

I donā€™t know what else to do except give it to him plainly and honestly. Or I guess to keep saying it until it happens and Iā€™m free of this mental cage I have with him. He says he loves me but he wonā€™t help me with any of the marketing, captions, photo taking, phot editing, social media or important things. Itā€™s like Iā€™m pulling teeth to try to get him to understand me and he hasnā€™t even helped enough. I feel so frozen, trapped, angry, regretful, confused, _____ and distracted. I feel like an idiot. 

I shouldnā€™t be getting upset over someone who doesnā€™t even comment on my Instagram or follow me. How did we get this far? Did I just think this is better than being alone? Is it just so rare for me to be attracted to someone that I donā€™t want to let go? Am I doing this because it felt worse to carry all of this by myself and is he doing less than nothing because he resents me for having a job that looks like im doing nothing? I am working in my head 24/7. If I was Britney Spears, wanting 7 fan pages to help manage millions of fans from each continent and instead of telling me yea, I can help manage one you tell me I should be able to do it by myself then how can you expect anything other than rage, frustration and meltdowns? Get with the program so I can relax and be me. 

I wish I could share more. Maybe one day. He wonā€™t sell solo content and gets angry at me when I tell him he should. He accuses me of trying to make him gay and I donā€™t even have the energy to deal with that fighting. His mother was a hardcore catholic and his dad is a deadbeat so I wonder if that had any impact to how he is. I told him can you please just sell a shirtless selfie so I dont feel so obviously used and like heā€™s mooching off my image while taking my followers and the money I need to save orphans, refugees and make sure Iā€™m gonna be okay? He just gets rigid with insecurity even though heā€™s 6ā€™6, built, smart and whatever just because I asked him to start selling shirtless pics and find some sugar mommas so I can stop sweating worrying about my rent AND his. (Which shouldnā€™t even be my responsibility.) I told him he can sell to women cuz women buy content, too. Especially older women and he goes into a fit as if heā€™s scared of gay men or struggling with his own sexuality or something.  I donā€™t care. Get off my dick and get out of my way. Give me our content that we can sell at the same time or donā€™t be surprised when I co-star with someone willing to give me the content right after we make it and is willing to buy their own ads. 

Pouring love into him hasnā€™t worked and I shouldnā€™t have to be in a position where I have to resort to being mean and strict when I am kind and soft at my core. I wish he had guy friends, brothers or a father figure because heā€™s not a feminist Thereā€™s nothing I can do or say that would ever get him to listen to me or see me in the light I deserve. Part of me thinks he loves me but the fear of being broke and ā€œusedā€ by a seggs worker overrides it. Even though Iā€™ve done more than enough for him. 

He is just as attached and confused as me I think, but with fear and resentment of me because Iā€™m a seggs worker. He thinks my job is easy even though Iā€™m clearly falling apart and canā€™t produce anything fantastic right now. I donā€™t even want to look at myself. Why wouldnā€™t you be happy for my success if my goal is to make so much money I could retire your mom or buy a house, maybe even be lucky enough to have kidz  who donā€™t have to worry about college tuition if I could get that far? 

I donā€™t know he expects from me anymore when heā€™s the source of my misery and gets in the way of everything Iā€™ve been trying to do instead of helping me get to where I need. He keeps asking me to stop talking shit about him on the internet but he wonā€™t do anything to alleviate the pressure or workload. Not even 15 minutes of helping me clear up my Instagram or helping me match outfits. 

Iā€™m Managing over 6 social media accounts by myself, 15-18 hours a day and he still acts like Iā€™m doing nothing all day. Itā€™s enraging to the point where I feel like I canā€™t focus on my VIPs and Iā€™mā€¦ Frozen. 

 Heā€™s still not helping with anything important so thereā€™s nothing left to do except to drift apart. I canā€™t keep carrying everything by myself. I donā€™t know why he keeps acting like it doesnā€™t make sense that I should answer messages while he helps with dishes and that I canā€™t do both at the same time. He wonā€™t even help me post memes while I edit photos, which sounds like a great job to me but he makes it sound like hell. I deserve someone who adds value to my life and helps me gets stuff done. Thereā€™s no point in wasting my time tying to logic this with someone whoā€™s intent on villainizing me for asking for help. 

Iā€™m sorry to my followers for all the drama, pain, negativity and tea Iā€™ve brought here. I needed to talk out loud about whatā€™s been going on to people who can see outside of me and actually care about me. I havenā€™t been able to rely on him or myself to do more. Iā€™ve gotten kinda asexual and traumatized at this point from my messages. I hope to be inspired again soon by someone whoā€™s going to do and be more for me. Iā€™ll be answering messages to nice people instead of spending time with him today. He doesnā€™t care. I donā€™t care.


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