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I screenshot a lot cuz it’s I guess a little ocd for me or something. 😅 I am doing my best with the phone addiction/ commitment to the game and job with the never ending messages on several social media platforms.  A little house on the praire life sounds kinda good right now. Whichever time period it is where it took like months to receive a letter or message. 🤣

Also, if I get the amazing chance to be nice and old I want to be able to take a peek at what I had done that day, what I might have learned, what I tried to do, who was a hero, who was not. 

I screenshot to have a way to look back at how I reacted (good or bad, I’m not perfect. I’m human with feelings and high standards and deserving of respect.)  or share how I might have been feeling from being exposed to what and to validate myself when I have no one around me except Gang Gang to do so. I like making voices for him sometimes.
I screen shot cuz I wanna guess at what I was trying to do, what I had to do, remember who was nice to me, who was not nice to me, what rabbit hole I went into online after the other rabbit hole I went into to recover from the one I saw before that. Or know why I couldn’t get much done on that day or how I did more than enough and someone even noticed me. My favorite is when people acknowledge me or respond to me nicely. Makes my whole day! 🤣

I screenshot a lot so i can always look back and maybe remind myself of things or look at loving messages I may need. I screenshot a lot cuz I guess I wanted a near perfect memory of what I did with the years of my life. Cindy moon has eidetic memory and what could be better than 1 giant photo album of parts of my online experience.

 I wish all things were saved automatically for me to access the things I’ve viewed or enjoyed or rendered feelings from. I wish I could save everything and have it organized better or maybe even take a peek at what other people have been up to online or how they manage their sexy work life. I want to see and be higher standards with a peace of mind and cute, calm energy people can handle and take in more easily. 

I screenshot cuz I wanna see the progress I’ve made emotionally and spiritually over the time I try to get out of here. I screenshot so if I ever get Anne franked or ask aliced with a book they have some sort of idea of why I had trouble taking care of things at home because of the state of my mind from all that I must intake to keep this roof over my head and save up for marina Taylor park. 

I also don’t think it’s really natural to be connected to this many people and I’m doing my best to try and remember everybody and everything. 

I’ve lost a lot of social media accounts and it feels really weird, like I’ve never existed or what I said or done didn’t have Any effect at all. I guess it feels a little weird and it seems inevitable that I may lose everything I’ve ever posted on all onlyfans as well. Not that I really want to look back. Maybe in a few years.  

It’s a good time to start chilling and asking for help because j really don’t think I’m crazy for my ideas.  Some people said I was smart and that the things im asking for aren’t that unreasonable and it’s actually possible. That they believe in Me, too. I’m thankful that some people offered to help and roleplay minion if needed. My mind seems to be flying at 69 miles per hour sometimes but that’s because there’s a real urgency to the people at stake and i think it’s actually kind of mean to not only be apathetic to my causes but also call me a problem when I am trying to be a force for good and on the right side of history. I also am learning to work on my communication skills after being raised by parents who don’t really talk to me unless it’s to criticize or control. They’re different and Better now but I’m still learning what they didn’t teach me. 

I’m taking the time to stop as I am able to wind down knowing I have some help. I have a game plan and I’m really close to writing out what’s next. 

Lastly, I screenshot because I don’t want to do it alone and Idk if I’ll ever stop screenshotting so I have someone amazing helping out and I want to be my best before attempting friendships again.



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