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No, I don’t know the author but she raised an incredible man so I already know the book is going to be worth it and incredible rewarding. 😄 📕 ♥️ 😍

 I want to make sure she’s loved, rewarded and honored in a way that’s proper and respectable. 

 It’s a book that sounds perfect for me and I love that they chose a fortune cookie for the cover. I have adhd and autism so it’s helpful for me to take information in smaller bites. 🍎 I don’t actually have any control over anything and I tend to see good opportunities/ideas and just go ahead and do it. I don’t really need any direction when it comes to that stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The writer’s special of mine is what my good heart, body, mind and soul is telling me to do so I just went ahead and did it. 😄🫶♥️

 Buy the kindle version for $5 and I’ll show you my boobies in our private DMs. Buy the hard cover for $15 and I’ll give you VIP content worth $40-$100 over Snapchat or just here if you want. I’ve been shipping content for free to anyone with a star next to their name because I’m overloaded and still organizing/sorting this business out. We’ll get it together eventually. Just keep swimming. You’re all doing great. 

Someone’s already purchased a hard cover and I’m writing out everyone’s Snapchat name for the VIP rewards for that little challenge. Thanks for playing along with me! I’ll make a special list called Reader’s Club! I’m looking forward to reading the same book as you guys. 😄

I just need enough peace and quiet to be able to organize all the things in my head and then be able to articulate it and communicate it out. 

I’m writing things out and then showing you guys, my best friends and then I want to ask if any of it is possible. I don’t have anyone in real life I feel like I can go to or talk to right now so I super appreciate you all working with me, your goddess this way. I just can’t communicate or connect one one one in real life the way people keep asking me to but this should be more than good enough. 😄

Love you lots!

- Cindy Moon



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