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Good night if you’re sleepy. 

My room is almost clean so It looks like I’ll be giving myself a princess day on the last of the month. (One of my commands as cult leader is to get ur room clean by last of month) 💙 Proud of myself. Happy to be alone with you guys. 🌙 🌹 🇺🇸 😄 

I wish I could show everyone everything that I do here, but there’s a 40 piece limit on posts and we can’t post other peoples faces or 3rd party material so it always feels like im only giving everyone pieces of the puzzle and story. I hope it’s enough for now. I wish that people could read my mind so I could do more with submissive minions and avoid opportunists and people trying to pull me down their weird timelines. On happy note, I’ve been connecting with some really wonderful people for a few seconds and their existence and actions have recharged my battery. They’re also not afraid to throw the occasional sassy post out there that’s either snitching or calling out real issues. I learn so much from smart and caring people on IG and TikTok. I soooo wish I could share all the memes and content I’ve seen. Would make me less frightening. 😅 I’m thankful for all the good in me and other people. Happy the voices from the internet have started to dwindle down. I want to focus on myself so I can do more good for everyone. I still averaging over 12 hours of screen time a day and I know that I’m still not doing enough. 

I wish Sony or Marvel would notice me and ask me to be Silk… but it’s time to grow up and take matters into my own hands. Ive been shy and conservative to see if maybe they would see me and utilize me as their actor as Cindy Moon/ Silk, but I realize now that I don’t even exist to them. There’s no point in being shy and living in a fantasy world of being their Cindy moon. I’m my Cindy moon and that’s more than enough. 

I’m prioritizing myself and doing whatever it takes to get to the top, be successful, be big enough to make a difference and surround myself with loving and caring people. I never wanted to be famous cuz it looks like a lot of work and pressure, Im a hobbit, maybe a maiden in my soul but it’s better for the people I speak up and roleplay a popular influencer heroine because I’ll have more people listening. I want to do whatever it takes to free these people. My comfort is not a priority in big picture. It’s easier to stay silent but I consciously cannot. 

Anyways, here’s a few parts of my day. I am getting more time and space away from the voices and I know that everything is falling into place for me and my circle of important people. (You guys) 

School orientation went well and I look forward to a day at the beach tomorrow to try a second take of pictures. I grow bigger and better every day and trust in the universe as well as my angels. Did my first live today, posted on several platforms, released demons people have given me and I rest easy now knowing my future cult will gather enough about me with each other to piece together the final puzzle. 

If you see this and are still reading… I love you. 

Sweet dreams, super stars. I know you’re doing your best as the main protagonists in your movies and I’m cheering you on eternally.



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