ouuuuu!!!!! I just figured out I can upload audio files :) T.. (OnlyFans)
2024-04-12 12:39:57
ouuuuu!!!!! I just figured out I can upload audio files :) This means I can send you recordings of me singing!! --- So tonight I lit some candles and played through the new set list we just created together. Burning House by Cam Blinding Lights by The WKND Video Games by Lana Del Rey When It Comes to Us by Frances Fast Car by Tracy Chapman Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson I did my vocal exercises with my singing coach. I did the extra hard and fast singing drills tonight which was already a lot for my voice. Then I was all inspired to sing through the set list and get to work learning these songs. I would just love so much to be able to perform them for you smoothly. It took me 40 minutes to sing through...including all my mess ups, re-dos, experimentation etc.... I had sage burning and I was in the dark...apart from the candlelight. Dogs were barking in the neighborhood, roosters crowing, jungle bugs buzzing....can you hear any of that? How about the scooters zooming down the road? It felt great to just sing at the end of quite a long day of hard work. I was grateful to play all the way up until the end when my voice starts to give out. I probably should have stopped a couple songs earlier than I did but i was having too much fun so I pushed it. I'll rest my voice tomorrow. LOL I'm not shy to share with you now at all but I'd love to share a little back story that might add some depth for you.... I used to been very shy about my guitar playing since like...forever...I was totally living in my brother's shadow...but I'm getting over that these days. Now that I'm investing so much more energy and time into my singing skills, I'm celebrating my voice as my main instrument. I kind lady in Bali told me that "Guitar shame is a thing but when you have a voice like that, nobody cares what you're doing with the guitar." Obviously, there's a grain of truth in what she's saying and I should also take it with a grain of salt. I'll just keep practicing and improving but her words did give me comfort. I was always self conscious that my guitar playing was distracting from my singing but now she has given me a little bit of hope that perhaps my singing carries the team more than I realized. Can you relate to this at all? I'd love to hear from you guys. What's your relationship with instruments? How about your singing voice? The song choice today was interesting to me.... love songs about breaking up, love songs about wanting to be closer, love songs about wild bad girl life, love songs about love that somehow works, love songs about finding a way to make it work, and a song at the end about trying to run away from it all..... humans, man. what is up with us? LOL This is a raw recording. I used my fancy microphone and recorded into my computer but I did absolutely no editing or presets or anything. It's just the raw unedited audio recording...no reverb, no tuning, no EQ...nothing. Just FYI. Enjoy!! Love & Rainbows, Cha