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Today is new trainer guy day and I could use a slimy gob of sperm slithering down my throat.  Nut is like a five-hour energy shot for me.  If we ever do get down to screwing, my prediction is it’s going to start with a blowjob.  Which works for me.  Most of you appreciate I am a serious fan of placing a penis in my mouth.  If I have to go home with a tummy full of cum instead of a pile of runny jizz in my innards, I am OK with that.  We will get around to pumping that load in my guts eventually once we get past that initial testicle drain.  But, who knows, I may end up going home with my bowels stretched and sperm leaking down my legs.  However it plays out, I am good with just about any scenario.  I will keep you posted on that.  

My dentist is a decent-looking chick.  She is about 35-40.  She knows what I do.  I am not shy about answering the question “what’s your occupation”  on the forms they make you fill out. I like to write “ejaculate target.”  She asked me if I wanted my teeth whitened.  I said, “sure, but the truth is most guys miss my teeth and hit my chin.”  She was quiet for a second.  Then she asked me if that was a joke.  I said, “I don’t know, was it?”  She went on for a minute about whitening teeth and then busted out laughing.  I said, “See, you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”  She laughed so hard she had to leave the room.  I wonder how many people think “what the fuck?” after talking to me.  I didn’t get a discount on the bill in case you were curious.

People don’t argue viewpoints of any kind anymore. They scream. I guess whoever is the loudest for the longest is the winner by default. Just something I’ve noticed.

Road rage is a complete and utter waste of time. There are folks who treat every offense as an assault on their way of life and would like nothing more than to burn your house down for it. Road rage has zero upside to it. It won’t change the fact someone didn’t use their turn signal. Why am I telling you this? I was in a car that wanted to change lanes but didn’t see the guy beside him. The other driver honked, which he should have, but then honked for the next five minutes as he drove beside us, beat red and yelling things we couldn’t hear. He damn near killed himself and dozens of others, just trying to let us know how displeased he was. In the end, the guy I was driving didn’t think about it 1 minute after we got out of the car. The angry driver didn’t teach us any lessons. It was the opposite. We laughed at him. Had he accepted the apology that was immediately given, we would've thought of him as a stand-up guy. Instead, he is forever a whack job that probably beats his dog. I don’t want to be the whack job that beats his dog. I’m going with “shit happens” from now on.


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