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I like turning guys into fuck toys. I found that reluctant guys have no say so in the matter when their dick is in me. What am I talking about? I wrote about physically holding Connor down yesterday and fucking his dick whether he wanted to or not. That bugs Connor. He's 19, he thinks he's the king of the world, and then he ends up being the one getting fucked because I am stronger than he is, and I have zero problems keeping him under me until I'm done. He has tried, and he has lost. His dick doesn't put up a fight, though, because it stays hard, and I have finished him a second time just like that. Now, don't take this the wrong way. I would let him up if he really wanted to get up. It's just fun knowing he can't stop me. I mean, it's like socially wrong as it's not the norm. But still, it must suck being held down by me and not being able to get back up. It must suck even worse when your dick betrays you and pumps jizz in my guts while I'm doing it. I can literally see the frustration on his face. He gets embarrassed afterward, and I don't see him for a few days. Then his balls get filled up with cum, and back he cums. Oh well. It's fun for me.

Where am I going with this? It's a long story, but I turned a guy into a fuck toy yesterday. I overpowered him and fucked him like I had the dick, and he had the pussy. This is the guy that I met during Bike Week. I fucked his wife actually during bike week. I may have written about it, but I don't remember. Well, he is a subscriber now, and he read the write-up about holding Connor down. He brought it up when we met. He belittled Connor and got on a whole bravado-type thing. "You could never do that to me...blah blah blah" type stuff. I did it to him. He is in his 60s, and though I thought he was going to win a few times, he ran out of gas, and I still had a full tank. I saw the defeat, and I asked him if he had had enough. He got nasty about it. So I told him, "I win, so shut up." Then I looked him in the eye while I was on top of him and fucked him like he was my bitch. Well, he was my bitch so....there's that. He wouldn't hold my gaze. Kept turning his head. I kept telling him to look at me when I fucked him. He wouldn't do it. Then I came. I came very hard. I hopped off, patted him on the cheek, and said thanks for being a good sport. He didn't cum, and his dick was standing straight up in the air. He asked me to blow him, and I told him no. He should get his wife to do it. If he had played along, I would have emptied his testicles for him, but he got super nasty about it. Did one of those weird things where he would say something completely rude and out of line and then apologize. He did that repeatedly. I told him to think about what happened today and get back to me if you want to expand on it a little bit. I just heard back from him this morning. He wants to get together again, but he doesn't want to "wrestle anymore." He has a bum-shoulder from some MMA thing he keeps talking about. Yeah. Sure. I said no deal. I texted back once you're the bitch...you are always the bitch. Learn to cum faster. He hasn't written back. I wonder if he will. Yes, He will. I guarantee it. He just hasn't cum to terms with being turned into a fuck toy. I'm telling you, I'm wet as fuck thinking about it. Mental sex is the bomb. Nothing beats it.

Oh yeah, even better. I overpowered him, wearing the exact same outfit as the pictures I put up with this post. That had to sting.



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