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The heads of dicks turn purple when I edge them. Some so much so that they almost get black. It looks painfully hot. I wore purple because I edged someone's dick the other day, and the head got so purple and fat that I thought it would explode like a grenade. I mentioned the state of the cocks color and its overly inflated head to its owner and said I thought we should stop. I was bluffing, but he didn't know that. He begged me to continue. I did, and it exploded alright, but in a good way. Anyway, when I put the purple outfits on, all I could think about is how cocks turned that very shade when I worked them over. Oddly enough, people commented on my purple outfits with the same comparisons. Great minds think alike.

I am the new terrible person on Twitter, and I'm kind of digging it. I have an inbox full of complaints about my tweets that say you should unfollow or turn off retweets on any account that mass RTs. My point in all of this is its spam. They retweet other accounts more than they post of themselves. 20 or 30 a day, sometimes more. Not trying to be mean, but I am beyond uninterested in seeing these accounts. I shouldn't have to, so the account retweeting them can gain followers. They can't get followers on their own merits, so they use the RT group method. Does it work? Absolutely. All crap followers, but it gives them an ego boost, I guess. But you and I must pay the price for their cringy ego trip by seeing all the shit they retweet. I don't need to see Big Betty eating a Big Mac while shoving a toilet brush up her hoo-ha. Their point is I have no right to ruin their business by telling people to unfollow them or turn off the RTs. They don't want you to know they aren't RTing these accounts because they like them. They only do it for business reasons. That should remain an "insider" trick as far as they are concerned. Look, by all means, RT people you like because you find them smoking hot or think the post was awesome. But if you ask me to follow you and then spam the fuck out of me with RTs...well, fuck you, I'm out, and I'm taking everyone with me. Said with an evil laugh at the end.

One last thing about Twitter. When people ask me to follow them, I look at their accounts. Are they tweeting something I want to see? Most people who ask me don't even tweet. Why in the world do I want to follow someone who has nothing to follow? Or if they do have a full timeline, it has something that I want to avoid seeing in my timeline, like Crypto advice. So if you ask me, and there is nothing there for me to see, or your timeline is about restoring old cellphones...I'm probably going to pass. I'm glad you liked my stuff enough to follow me, but I'm not a famous person. Having me follow you for sake of having a name follow you is great...I have a couple of those myself. But I'm just about the furthest thing from a "name" you will find.



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