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It just occurred to me that I'm gay. Sexually gay, that is. Is that a thing? It should be. I mean, am I allowed to identify as sexually gay? Is that within bounds? Who knows, but I think this is a thing. Girl dating isn't for me. Tasting them, however, is. They taste better than they look if that's even possible. I wanna lick girls and date guys. Is that in the rule book of being a proper woke drone? I bet it is. I also want to lick the dick, but that is probably a 15-yard personal foul. Good thing I don't play by the rules. I just need to find a smoking hot MILF that is into licking me as I am into licking her. One who will share her cock stories with me and then taste me from within. Could you please let me know where that amazing person is? Her whereabouts are a mystery to me. My experience has been that lesbians are notoriously clingy. As if I was the last gay chick on the planet. Super possessive would be the best description. I need that freedom to drink the jizz from the fountain. I hate to say it, but I would give up pussy entirely if I had to choose dick or twat. Not even a question. Not that I don't get pussy stupid now and then...I do, and in the worst of ways. It doesn't take hold, though, not like cock does. Cock can rule me. Pussy, well, it just makes me temporarily stupid. Not saying I would want to give it up. I don't. But if I had to choose, see ya later, salty sweet clam.

So, I'm looking at skinny naked girls on Twitter which is apparently wrong. I replied to a tweet saying, "Holy shit, this tight body on this perfect chick is unbelievable."  Several quickly answered this by saying I'm supporting an unhealthy, unobtainable body style. I'm afraid I have to disagree. She certainly obtained it, her photos are proof of that, and for some unknown reason, my pussy supported it by getting that sloppy wet feeling. I guess I'm supposed to like the heavy girls as much as I like skinny girls. Dammit! I didn't know that! Here I've been all along, drooling over skinny girls with tight bodies when I'm supposed to be hot for the thicksters as well. The nerve of me. I'm an awful person. Or am I? Why do I like hot, tight, fit, skinny chicks? I don't know. They have always made me drool, and not just from my mouth. It strikes a spark inside me every time I see one. I should try and learn how to stop that. Or should I? What's wrong with me liking hot skinny chicks? What's wrong with fingering myself to a hot skinny chick? Nothing that I can see. I get it. Not everyone will be a hot skinny chick, and that's not fair. But it's not unfair, either. It's called life. It's not wrong in the least. It's a primal instinct, and neither you nor I can control what we like. We can be taught to suppress it, but why in the fuck should we? So some not-so-skinny chick eating a Big Mac can feel better about herself? No, that's not how reality unfolds. Guess what...
I don't finger myself to hot skinny guys. Well, I guess I do if they have a beautiful penis. A beautiful penis kind of overrides everything else for me. Actually, I can't tell you what type of guy catches my eye. It's too broad of a group to pinpoint. Half the time, the guys that ended up emptying sperm inside me were never attractive to me until I got to know them. Then there is the other half. The dazzling beautiful people. I will say 70 percent of them weren't worth the time in the sack. But, as you get to know them, for the most part, the flashy looks get pretty dull pretty fast. But, when it cums to women if they are beautiful, hot, skinny chicks... I don't care. I'm eating that for lunch. We like what we like.


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