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I got fucked so hard by a massive cock that my sofa broke when I came. No, it didn't. I'm lying. I wish it did, though. The dog broke it, or at least that's my theory. It's only like 3 yrs old. Sure, I have taken a lot of dick on it, but still, it should hold up longer than that. I hate spending money like that. I don't mind putting money into my roof or appliances but a fucking sofa? No, that pisses me off.

Here's my plan. I'm going to wear some seriously slutty shit and see about getting that 86.8% slutty chick discount. Probably won't work. I'll get the only old lady in the furniture store. Seriously though, I'm going to wear some slutty shit. Many a gawking stranger shall see my coochie. I'm just saying. I hope it's someone good, and I get a long-term dicking partner out of it.

I like the word cunt. I'm tired of people getting upset over the word cunt. I like saying, "I want a hard dick in my cunt right now!" Who the fuck decided "cunt" was derogatory? They can lick my cunt. I'm going to start using it more. I just like the way it sounds. It's sexy. When I say it, in my mind, I picture a perfect cock spreading my "cunt" and sliding in until it hits bottom and takes my breath away as it tries to go even deeper. See, "cunt" is an incredibly sexy word. It made me wet just talking about it.

Everyone is running around like the world has stopped turning because Elon Musk bought Twitter. I have been asked at least 5 times today what I think about that. How the fuck should I know? It's like they think I know the guy and have inside information. Asking me for clarification of what it means to Twitter is like asking me what the meaning of life is. I wouldn't begin to know. I haven't a clue what he's going to do. He's firing people, so that sucks for them, but maybe they needed firing. I don't know. I don't work there in the "I'm running Twitter Department." I work here. In the "Let me tell you who pumped sperm in my cunt" department. Honestly, as long as I can still get my porn and post my porn, I don't give a crap. Does it lean hard left? Sure. Does it ban and shadow-ban people who don't deserve it? Sure. Maybe all that will change. Perhaps it won't. For now, I will keep playing by the rules that I know until they tell me otherwise. Do I like Elon Musk? I don't know. I like his rockets. I see them fly over my head all the time now, and they look pretty damn cool. I'm just saying.


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