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Good morning everyone. Time to peruse the porn and see what's going on. Some people watch the news. I watch the porn timeline on Twitter. Here are some nice little porn pics for you to peruse at your leisure. Let me know what you think. I seriously think I might wear this suit to the beach. It's not as crowded with school firing back up.

A cute dog meme came up. That has me thinking. Sometimes I can't even masturbate in my own house because my dogs demand my attention. I'm not kidding.

I see a big name in the world of porn is coming apart at the seams because she feels another girl has disrespected her. I'll stay out of that one. These chicks take social media way too seriously. It's pure crap, and if it weren't for the porn, I wouldn't be there.

Oh, look, here's a guy handing out the ever-popular advice of "Don't stick your dick in crazy."  Well, Mr. The problem is sometimes they are the only ones who will let you stick your dick in anything. Wonder why he thinks I'm crazy? Do I seem crazy? I think I'm very mild on Twitter.

I like this guy on Twitter. "You look good with a cub dick in your mouth." Why, thank you! I think so as well! I don't know what's going on lately, but I find myself searching out porn that is MILF's destroying guys that look like they need to be carded first. They are so teachable. Not to mention that 18 yr old fresh body... it's so delicious. They don't want to hang around for anything but a good pump. Older guys want to do things afterward. I want to do things as well. But I prefer to do them by myself. But then I find myself wanting some old dick to avoid having to listen to kid conversations. Who do I prefer? The 18 to 30 yr olds for sure. It's just my thing right now. Who makes me cum harder? Probably the older guys, but in the case of like Bob and Connor, they are hard to beat. Don't fret, older guys. I'll never dump you. I'm just on a cub kick at the moment.



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