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I so wanted to write a post about my cum dripping pussy and stretched-out ass, but it didn't happen. There's a reason for that but for now, enjoy the pics! I'll explain below. Read on, but the odds of it making you want to stick your dick in me... pretty slim. Not in a bad mood or anything, but just not quite myself.

Okay, so I have the ever dreaded Covid, which is another way of saying I have a cold. Does it suck? Sure, but such is life. I say this, so you know why I will be posting some older stuff for a day or two, not to elicit sympathy and all that other crap. I'm not too fond of that. We all catch a cold. Even the people that constantly tell us they never do end up catching a cold. It's a small price to pay to enjoy the gift of living. So, now you know. How did I know I was coming down with something? I had no interest in sex yesterday. Even when I had the opportunity to drown myself in Connors sperm, I passed it up. That's when I knew. I figure I got a few days of this, and then boom, back at it. In the meantime, I am sure I will post a lot because I have nothing else to do, so that should be a good thing!

Hear me out on this one. I think trolls on social media are a good thing. They serve the sole purpose of keeping these self-proclaimed social media gurus under control. Have you ever watched something on social media platforms and thought how pathetic and disgustingly stupid it was? The classic "Look at me! Look at me!" crap. I run into it constantly anymore. I used to be able to take solace in the negative comments that I wasn't the only one who thought, "What a dick." Now it's hard to find a negative comment. Ever wonder why? Algorithms and monitored comments. There are actually a ton of "This is the most pathetic thing on the internet" comments. They are just filtered out. I say let them fly. It allows them to know how stupid they have become. Checks and balances. If someone posts something so stupid it's offensive, they should have to reap the consequences. Live and learn. I always enjoyed the shitty comments when I used to get them. They did what they were intended to do. I would read them, try to figure out what in my post was causing them to react that way, and if they were correct, I would take that into consideration. Again, live and learn. Most of the time, it's just ding dongs writing random shit. Some of it is pretty funny. Certainly not something I would spend time pondering on, but funny. If these cupcakes can't handle a couple of snide remarks, they have many more problems than trolls on the internet. By removing them, the trolls, that is, we are reinforcing stupid behavior. So I say keep them. Let trolls troll. Welcome to the real world. It can get dirty out there. Oddly enough, I roll around in dirty.



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