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Man, if you actually read this one today, you are in for a ride. I caution you. I am in a mood. You may not like me so much after this one. @u125291845

Someone asked me how I can dress so slutty and not be uncomfortable with the glares. This was asked in the nicest of ways. It wasn't derogatory. So I answered truthfully. If you are slutty enough, then every day can be Halloween when it comes to wardrobe. I don't see the downside.

I got this on Twitter today. Before anyone tells me to "be strong" or something goofy like that, I don't care about this. I just found it humorous. It's been a weird day. You'll have these things. Here we go.

"You accuse of using filters like its a bad thing and post photshop photo of you and your fake muscle. Filters are how we express feelings and moods but you dont know that because your are ugly make you fake fat as everyone." 

Strap me to a car frame and an axle and call me shocked. Not sure what brought this on. Not sure that I care. I guess I sometimes write "no weird" filters on my Twitter posts, which is what put a hot poker up this ding dongs keester. Don't ever recall putting up an anti-fat anything, but after this, what I wanted to say was, "Behind every fat woman is a beautiful person... no, seriously, you're in the way, they can't see me. You're blocking the view." But I didn't. But I wanted to But, again, I didn't. Who is this person? I don't know, but I am going to let this go. I don't have the time to step in the ring with what has to be "woke" morons. I just said this to someone. I am not woke. I hate woke anything. It is self-grandiose gaslighting that destroys the people they claim to be helping. It makes them feel better about their weak, imbecilic selves, and that's about it. And there goes a shit ton of followers. Fuck it. I've had enough of these people. I will punch a stupid bitch in the nose. I'm just saying. Well, I actually wouldn't. Unless, of course, she tried to punch me, then I don't know what I would do. Whatever it is, it wouldn't be something woke.

Boring day. Other than listening to whack jobs complain about me not understanding the use of filters to enhance moods and feeling, it's been kind of slow. Batteries were dead in the vibrator. So now I have to wait for it to charge. Fuck me, when it rains, it pours. I probably won't be horny when it does. WTF!

Went to get something to eat. I realized that waiting for the waiter makes me the waiter. Fucker. I sat there forever. He was cute. Till he disappeared for 20 minutes, then he got really un-cute and fast. No pussy for him! He probably didn't want any anyway, so who is the real loser in this whole thing? Me. That would be me.

Today, I was asked via DM about words I hate hearing the most during sex. I assume he is thinking derogatory terms. I could care less about that. I kind of dig being called a sperm whore. I guess what I hate hearing the most during sex is, "Honey, I'm home!" It kind of puts a damper on things.


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