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Happy Sunday Morning, everyone. I have to do some throwback stuff today. I am caught unprepared today. Yesterday slipped away from me. What I thought would be a gangbuster super happy/sexy/fun day turned out to be a little quiet, boring, and somewhat depressing yesterday. In hindsight, I wish I didn't go out as it ended up being a rather long day and evening. I could have been chasing Connor around the neighborhood. A little Connor dick mixed with a ton of Connor cum would have been way better. Instead, I went out with several people who were way bigger names in porn than I am or ever will be. Please don't bother asking. I'm not going to say. I'm already stretching my promise not to yack about it to someone who knew I would do just that. I thought I would hear words of wisdom and awesome adult industry stories. I didn't. I realized what I already knew. The key to their success is to swallow your own personal boundaries/morals/dignity and make it all go down smooth with booze and drugs. Yeah, you can go fuck yourself with all of that. As depressing as the night was, I realized how fortunate I really am as I sipped on my Sprite. I do like Mountain Dew & Dr. Pepper, but the caffeine keeps me up all night. Anyway, I don't have any of those nightmare stories and experiences. How can I explain it? Alright, think of it like this. If you absolutely hate to drive, I mean, just fucking hate it, then choosing to be a truck driver may not be the most fulfilling career choice for you, even if it does provide the money you want. Probably not worth it in the end. But, hey, hats off to them for faking it till they made it. Look, they went way further than I ever did by a longshot.

But, after listening to these two, I feel like I need to say this. Their opinions on the business, fans, and life, in general, are the complete opposite of mine. As shocking as it was for them to hear, I don't do this for the money. I mean, I need to make money to keep doing it, and I explained that, but it's not the driving factor. My business model reflects that if you haven't noticed. I survive off of subscriptions and tips, nothing else. Just so you know, I love you guys that tip, and please do keep them cumming! And I love that you subscribe, there are definite expenses to doing this, so it greatly helps. But I am here as much for me as I am for you. I'm a perv, I admit it. I'm into sex, and I am into people knowing that I'm into sex. I want you to see me. It's what drives me on. It feeds my ego, turns me on, and lets me wake up wanting to push the boundaries. Boundaries that I want to push. I know some of you get over-excited and get a little out of control. But so do I, so as far as me getting offended over a request, good luck with that. If I don't want to do it, I simply tell you I don't want to do it. I know some of you get mad about that, but there are lines I'm not going to cross because you want me to. But I like interacting with you. I don't want to do what I consider to be sexy shit and keep it to myself. I want you to know, I want you to enjoy it with me. To me, it's just that much better with friends, if you know what I mean. It's that simple. I hope those two from last night find themselves one day, put the bitterness aside, and start enjoying life. It may be too late for them, though. And this will sound bad, but after a night with these folks, it's a massive fucking big "Hell Yeah motherfucker!" for me. I don't live in a giant house. I don't drive 150K cars. But I wake up every day thinking somebody is getting their dick sucked, and I'm the one to do it. That's why I look so much better than they do! It's the secret to looking good. If you love your work, you'll never work a day in your life. I have won that battle a million times over because, as far as I know, I haven't worked a day in the last 25 years. So, I just want to thank you for putting up with me and sticking with me because, without you, I have lost all of the above. I will annoy you for as long as you will allow me to do so. Just saying.



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