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Morning everyone, I hope all is going well. Connor now works at KFC. He's never fingered me, so he isn't genuinely finger-licking good. I am just saying. Anyway, let's call it Flash Back Friday. Let us go way back. Way way way back to 2005. Check these pics out. They make me laugh. This was back when porn was pictures. Back when I had subscriptions to every porn magazine, there was. I had Club, Club International, Club this, Club that, Hustler, Foxxx, Genesis, Chic, and others I am sure I am forgetting. I had so many magazines my floor in the bathroom was cluttered with them. Guests used to get all creeped out after a trip to my bathroom. I didn't care. I was getting more dick than I ever did in my life back then. I had so much dick that I was continuously leaving cum trails wherever I went. Not really, I wish I left cum trails, but I had a lot of dick. You get the point! Oh, by the way, back then if you shot porn they yelled at you if you smiled. You always had to look severely pissed off. Hence the angry look. I wasn't angry and I always had a shitty angry face so it was a real stretch for me to be ticked off at the world.

I got a video date today. He didn't make it yesterday, but he is here today, so I will at least get a new porn shot that I can put up on Onlyfans. Yay for me!

Connor works at KFC now. I found this out yesterday. I suppose I could go annoy him. Make him hard at work, so he has to walk around with a woody. That makes me smile. I like making guys embarrassingly hard at the worst of times. I don't know. I'll see what I can do.

Bob is ghosting me. That bastard. I texted him last night and have yet to hear anything back. To think I let him drain his testicles in my ass, and he can't find time to say hello. I think I am more just upset his dick isn't in my ass at the moment. I don't really care what he has to say as long as his dick is inside me in one fashion or another. I do love the penis he is sporting. It should be an interesting day. Hopefully, I'll end up with a date one way, or another or I will just have to go hang out at KFC, I suppose.



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