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I am putting this video on bt34gg.com because it reminds me of the kid next door.  I had it up on OFā€™s but it didnā€™t comply with the new document requirements, so it got pulled down.  I went back and checked the ID.  He was 19.  So close to my little admirer across the street.  The password to bt34gg is  stacysmom21 (copy and paste it if you can!) you donā€™t need a username.  Just plug it in and you are watching the video.  What happened to this guy?  He had a large cock, as you can see.  It was 7 1/2 inches, and I was a big fan of his balls.  They were the perfect shape for holding.  We fucked a ton.  He lived with his parents and I would fuck him in his parentsā€™ bed.  I was 45; he was 19.  We never got caught, but I ran into him with his parents once at the Olive Garden.  All I could think of was they had no clue how many times I was laying in their bed with their sonā€™s sperm dripping out of me. I texted him to go to the bathroom. I wanted to suck his cock.  He never showed up.  He never answered another call or text from me again.  I guess I was a little too much and willing to go a little too far for him.  I enjoyed his cock immensely though, so it was kind of my loss.  Thatā€™s the background behind this guy in the video.  I wonder what he looks like now?  I wonder if he would stick in me one more time for old timesā€™ sake?  Be fun to find out, but last I heard, heā€™s in North Carolina.  Again, the password is:


Lots of interest in the kid across the street.  Whatā€™s the deal with him. He is annoying, to say the least.  He runs around outside without his shirt on.  If I was 18, I would probably think he was hot.  He looks fragile to me.  Like I could break him in half.  He has those ā€œI want to look pretty like girlā€ muscles.  I prefer ā€œI want to stop a tankā€ muscles.  He has no idea of the damage I would inflict upon him.  I would ruin him chick-wise for life.  Look, a leopard can carry something twice its weight up a tree.  Thatā€™s pretty good.  But a cougar can carry someone half her age to bed, Iā€™m just saying here.  With all that said, I admit it.  Iā€™m intrigued.  Not in just slipping an 18 yr old dick inside of me.  Iā€™ve done that before.  Itā€™s been quite some time, so it would be even more deviant. Nevertheless, I have done it.  What gets me going is everyone knowing that Iā€™m drinking the sperm of an 18 yr old.  Not you guys, you already know Iā€™m of questionable sexual morals, but the neighborhood.  They already talk about me. I think they think that makes me uncomfortable.  Oops.  It has the opposite effect.  I enjoy being the one talked about.  It means their lives are so boring they need me to bring some excitement into their lives.  Who am I to deny them countless hours of gossip fun?  I havenā€™t made up my mind yet.  But he is on my mind now, so he is treading in shark-infested waters and Iā€™m the shark. Iā€™m already wondering what his jizz tastes like, so the outlook isnā€™t good for him.  Iā€™ll keep you posted.  This may be a process.  We shall see how it plays out.



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