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Ok, let’s end this no-dick drought today.  I have a date with my boy-toy and my ex-boyfriend, but the latter only to shoot a video.  He thinks he’s working his way back in. I’m thinking let him think that while I borrow his dick for half an hour.  Once you're out, you're out.  I may put you to work, but you will never really be back in.  He had it good.  Sure, he was last in line, but I made that clear before we ever even started.  So, I will try to get you a video today of me getting fucked.  Then I will get a real dick inside of me later tonight, so super happy about that!  I wish I could do videos with him, but that will never happen.  I may try to get him to do some pics, though.  See if I can work that in.

Look guys, PMS/That time of the month jokes are simply not funny.  Period. 

There is a kid that moved in with his aunt across the street.  I have no idea how old he is.  He doesn’t go to school, doesn’t work. I’m assuming he’s 18 or older.  He shouted yesterday, “Hey Mrs. Tyler!  Where’s Stacy?”  Okay motherfucker, it’s on.  He has no clue who he’s fucking with.

I don’t get the monthly visit.  I haven’t since my late 20s.   Hysterectomy solved all of that for me.  That was a definite plus in my life.  Of course, getting the tumors and such out was also a plus, but in the end, I made out like a bandit.  I was terrified my sex life was going to disappear.  Nothing of the sort.  It didn’t miss a beat, pun intended.  It just got stronger.  Sex drive is 100% mental.  If you want it, you want it.  If you don’t, then it sucks to be you.  I don’t know how people put up with partners that don’t want to have sex on the regular.  Seriously, why would you?  It’s like the most intense reminder were alive as well as natural things we do.  If you can’t explain that to someone, then no matter what they say, they are the ones who don’t really care about you, not the other way around.  I give you full permission to cheat and or dump the sexless wonder you may be tied up with.  I mean it.  Run, cheat, do whatever, but don’t let your life go to shit because they can’t find 30 minutes out of their day several times a week for you.  Pay for play is a solid option if you want to remain with them. No, don’t ask me, I am long out of that game.  It was a wonderful 20 years, though.  Do I miss it?  Absolutely.  But there is time for everything and it was my time.  Anyway, don’t let someone else’s decision ruin your life.  Lack of sex will do that.  It will absolutely fuck up the quality of your life.  

Condoms.  Condoms are for pussies!  Wait… they actually are for pussies.  Nevermind. I used to require them no matter what.  Now I hate them so much I can’t stand the sight of them.  Does one take a risk?  Absolutely.  I have been massively lucky and to this date, after 20-plus years in the adult industry, I have never had a nasty.  We used to call them DRDs.  Dennis Rodman Disease.  He was well known to the adult industry in the day and not always in the best of ways, obviously.  I think that has disappeared and now it’s just plain old STDs.  We had more fun with it back in the day.  Kids today are not super fun.  Should you wear condoms?  Of course you should.  Just like you should your seatbelt.  But then again, I am often reminded that I haven’t put the seatbelt on by the annoying chime.  The only problem is I like it when guys have accidents, big messy ones, way up in my guts. Just saying.  Why am I even thinking about this?  

I was listening to someone talk about how they were proud they were a virgin until they were 30.  Fuck, it’s tough listening to people these days.  I just want to throw an ashtray at their head.  Good things ashtrays are long gone.  Being a virgin until your thirty isn’t virtuous or dignified.  It’s a lack of opportunity.  Plain and simple.  Step up the game or get online as soon as possible.  What person in their right mind wants to train a 30 yr old how to make them cum?  If after 21 you still haven’t found someone to fuck your stupid, I refer to my earlier reference of pay for play.  I have paid to play more times than I can remember because it’s hard to find the smoking hot chicks I dig that are full-on gay as well.  At least they pretend for an hour or two.  Good enough for me.  I got lots of practice in with the pros.  Just saying.



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