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Hello everyone, hope the day is kicking off to be a good one.  I have hit the gym already.  An actual gym, as in a Golds Gym.  Not something I do much anymore, being that I have one in my house that has everything I would ever need. But I went today, and it really wasn't that bad. The reason I went was a friend asked me to go with her because she hadn't been to the gym in quite some time. You would know by looking at her as her body is banging hot. Most that's because she's done a lot of running and some other home cardio and she's pretty sculpted. I would so lick her pussy inside and out, top to bottom and everywhere in between, but that is not going to happen as she is strictly dick. I know this because I have made advances towards her to the point she finally told me she was uncomfortable and asked me to stop. Yes, sometimes even I get pussy stupid and cross the line. I really can't help myself around her because she dresses so god damn sexy it makes my draw drop. This morning was no different. The second I saw her walk out of her house, I was thinking I'm going to need to rub one out. She came out in these super-tight gray painted on yoga pants with a sports bra that might as well have been a bikini top showing off her tiny, little waist and tight little abs and perfectly little round ass. It took everything I had not to reach out and start touching her. It's at this point that I realize that it's 8 AM and I'm dressed in baggy sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt with a baseball cap on to hide my morning hair.   I'm thinking to myself at what time did this hot little number get up and start getting ready makeup and all for the goddamn gym? So off to the gym we go. We get there, we get over to our machines and the place is absolutely packed. I pretty much realize that I'm the only one that looks like they just stepped out of their mobile home after a hard night of drinking. This isn’t a gym, it's a fucking fashion show and my friend is clearly going to be the winner. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm going to get a workout in or at least that's what I thought. I found out it's nearly impossible because everyone is too busy on their cell phone or posing in the mirror and equipment never gets open. Besides that, my friend drew constant attention and in between the guys gawking openly and coming over and trying to strike a conversation up, absolutely nothing got done. Was I jealous? You better fucking believe I was! She was drawing in every available cock that was in the place like a moth to a light.  I was just some weird homeless looking chick hanging out for the free air conditioning.  But truth be told, I'm not getting up at 5 AM to pretty myself up for two hours so I can go attract lunks at the gym.  Pretty much up to 9 AM. I have one look and that's homeless. After that I clean up pretty good but prior to it forget about it. Anyway, what's the moral to the story? After we left, my friend complained about all the guys staring at her and that she should be able to go to the gym without being gawked at. So I asked her, why are you wearing that outfit? And she replied because she correctly thinks she looks good and it. Then I asked her why did she get her tits done? And she said because she wanted to look better in clothes. She stopped me at this point, saying she knew where I was going with this, but my point was going to be wrong. She said she should be able to wear anything she wants if it makes her feel good. I said I agree, but don’t try to pass this bullshit you are dressing only for yourself.  You are dressing for everyone else, plain and simple.  You want people to notice you.  We all want people to notice us.  When you dress like you do, they are definitely going to notice you. I told her I noticed her.  She asked me what I noticed.  I said I noticed I wanted to rip open those fucking yoga pants and lick your box.  She got quiet and then grabbed my hand and told me she loved me.  I would lick nothing on her, but still; she loved me.  Fuck me.  Friend zoned.  I realize I have become the weird gay friend and I’m not even totally gay. I consider this sexual harassment on her part.  I am going to file a claim for teasing me to the point of insanity.  Now pardon me while I get a solid workout in my gym and then see what I can do about this whole homeless look thing.  Who gets a fucking makeover to go to the gym, anyway?  Apparently everyone but me.



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