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Work attire themed is the thing for today!

Two girls fucking in the office.  Office fucking is the theme today.  One might say I have an office cock on the brain.  I should have office cock on my tongue, but I have been warned about that very scenario!  Check out the new video.  Go to bt34gg.com and use the new password 1010pw! (I would copy and paste and include the exclamation mark)  No username is required.  Have fun! Let me know what you think!

Over the years, I have met some people who wanted to have sex with me and thought being in a video would be one way to win me over. Has it worked? Sure, a few times. But never as a lasting thing. Usually just as a backup, as bad as that sounds. Girls tend to go this route. Ellie May is one of those girls. The truth is I don't know her all that well. I never really did. She was from Charlotte, NC, and I found her attractive, but she caught me at the wrong time. I was still batting out of my league with Chyna, and being truthful, Ellie May didn't stand a chance of swaying me away from Chyna. In fact, Ellie May would have dumped me for Chyna if she had ever met her or had the opportunity. Hell, I would dump me for Chyna, so I wouldn't have blamed her if she did. Anyway, Ellie May was so persistent that she jumped on it when I presented her with a chance to make a video with me. As far as I know, this is the one, and only video ever made with her in it. I could be wrong. I haven't seen her in years, so who really knows. Ellie May had crazy stories. They were pure bullshit, but who cares. I let her believe that I believed just to keep the peace. The biggest one that backfired on her constantly was how wealthy she was. The only problem with that was her debit card was always returned as insufficient funds. I probably paid for every meal we ever had together for that very reason. It was like she had forgotten about the time before, and this was the first time it ever happened. It was a banking error, someone stole her identity, she changed banks and forgot to change cards. Always something. I told her she should get a job the last time it happened, and maybe this wouldn't happen. She got upset, and I felt terrible, so I meant this in a porn script way, not in reality. She either fell for it or just took the out I offered and said, that's a great idea, let's do it. So we made this porn about her being a bad employee. Let me know what you think about it. The password is 1010pw! That will get you in at bt34gg.com I obviously can't post this here because I don't have the photos of her holding the specific release required, but I can there! It's free, and it's only for the subscribers of my Onlyfans. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Someone asked me if guys buy me things and do I feel bad about it. Yes and no. Yes, they buy me things off my wish list. I don't put super expensive items on my wish list, and I think it's kind of empty as we speak because I can't think of anything I need. Do they buy me cars, condos, boats, jewelry, things like that? No. I buy my own cars, own my own house paid for by me, don't have a boat, like fake jewelry better than the real stuff, and my bills are paid by me once a month. I carry as of today an 822 combined credit score. I am super proud of that. I have financially embarrassed myself more than a few times over the years with missteps and bad decisions. It has taken me a long and hard road to get to where I am today. I do get a lot of guys who tell me they want to buy me stuff, expensive stuff, and I think they expect me to say jewelry, purses, shoes, things like that. I don't. I tell them they can help with my new driveway, and that makes their dick go from hero to zero in no time. But what they fail to recognize is that they are making a huge mistake. Let me explain and or elaborate. I have one guy who is for real and has spent probably 10K on me over the years. This is over a lot of time, so don't think it was all at once. I will remember him forever, not because of the money but because when he asked what he could do for me, I told him to help me with my tattoo. He did. Every time I look at my tat, I remember him immediately, which means I am thinking about him a ton. In other words, I'll never forget him. Let me get this out there. I don't ask for money or gifts from anyone. If they offer, I am just as likely to decline as I am to accept. Just keep in mind, I am not a material person. A $30 purse works as well or is better than a $5K purse for me. Plus, I don't feel so bad when the dog uses it as a chew toy. If you want to gift me something, help me dig out the grass so I can start on the foundation for the new bathroom I plan on building. The shovel is over there.



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