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Yes, there is sperm everywhere in these pics.  I like to keep a photo journal of all the guys who let me get pics of them fucking me.  It's a pretty extensive collection.  I make a folder for each guy by name on a hard drive, and each time we take pictures of me sucking their dick or getting a testicle load of jizz in or on me, I put them in the appropriate folder corresponding with their name.  Then, when I am feeling it, I will peruse through those folders and masturbate.  Creepy, I know, but I do like looking at myself getting appropriately bred.  Anyway, I pulled these pics up after this guy's wife showed up at my door to confront me about fucking her husband.  No, I didn't show them to her if you are going to ask.  This post is a book but if you have time, feel free to read the reason why I am posting these photos now.  I admit I am now officially a swampy mess thinking about it.  I am that turned on.  Enjoy and let me know what you think—I got to step out and get my allergy shot.  The good news is I have felt great for the last few days, so it looks like I got this Covid shit in the rearview mirror.  I would take the Covid over the flu any day if it just didn't hang around so long. @u125291845 

I got confronted yesterday by a furious wife. I had no idea who she was. When I figured it out, it was apparent that her husband had lied to me about his marital status. Not that it matters much because I still would've fucked him anyway. I don't equate sucking the nut out of a man's cock to marital status. For me, it pretty much is that simple. The only thing I take away from the other woman is a few deposits of sperm that I suppose could have been dumped inside of her instead of me. The good news for her is that his nuts are always busy making more, so really no loss at all. So no, I could not give a shit about marital status kids or not. I know that sounds terrible, but the way I see it, it's not my business to investigate relationship status or place a stupid moral code on someone else besides myself that I don't follow. She had all the appropriate terms for me, but slut seemed to be her favorite. I let her rant on for a few minutes, but it started getting tiring. Her attempts at insulting me were falling flat and becoming dull, causing me to say things that just weren't nice. I told them in a calm and even manner, but they were not lovely all the same. When she said she couldn't see what her husband saw in an old scraggly whore like myself, I replied he saw about 50 pounds less. I was referring to her being overweight, and I usually never do that, but sometimes these goofy little 20 something Tick Tokkers cross the line. She went on to blame her weight on having kids, to which I replied that I had kids as well. She then blamed the pandemic for her weight, and I reminded her we all got to experience the same pandemic she did. She went on and on for a little bit, and I calmly answered her remarks with snarky retorts of my own. When she determined that she wouldn't win this, she flat out asked me if I would fuck her husband again? I said, well, that is up to him now, isn't it? That enraged her, but I got her to calm down. I explained to her that I like sex, but I have no interest in any kind of emotional relationship with her husband. I just simply enjoyed her husband's penis three or four times and then sent him on his way. She asked me if her husband had told me the truth about being married, would I have still slept with him? There was no point in lying here, so I said no, it wouldn't have mattered. I still would've fucked him. I explained I was not out to ruin anyone's marriage.  I simply satisfied a physical need.  My vagina wants cock. It doesn't care what the relationship status is assigned to the body attached to the cock. I told her we never hung out, held hands, talked about life.  His dick went in my ass, deposited a sizeable steamy load of jizz in my rectum, and that was it.  Within five minutes, I had his dick cleaned up, he was out the door, and I was eating leftover chicken wings from the night before.  If he had tried to talk about life or whatever, I would have shut him down and sent him on his way.  He is nothing more than a vehicle to get the dick attached to him inside of me.  That's it.  I even explained to her that her husband meant so little to me other than a dick to make me cum that I fucked another guy a few hours later.  She said something about STD's and I said I could show her my test, but she said she wasn't really worried about it.  It had been 3 or 4 months since they fucked.  I asked her if he just didn't want to have sex with her, and she was adamant he did, but she was too tired from dealing with the two kids.  She doesn't get it.  She is sex starving a late 20's man who eats, drinks, thinks, sex 24/7.  A good-looking one at that.  He tries to have sex with her, but she's tired.  She's tired because she overate, not because of the kids. Blow the guy.  Jerk him off.  Stick his dick inside of you but do something ding dong!  He probably would have never come and hooked up with me.  I'm glad he did.  He does an excellent job of fucking me and is always good for a second round.  I didn't tell her that but neither here nor there. He is probably a good guy/husband overall.  He just needs his testicles emptied once or twice a week to keep him from looking elsewhere.  I could also be vastly wrong because I don't know him, and he obviously didn't want me to know he was married.  Someone will ask the question, how did she find out, and how did she find me?  He snapped a picture of me blowing him, a selfie of him licking my tits and a selfie of him and me outside my house. It automatically backed up to his iPhone cloud storage.  It also had the location tag, and the photo he took outside my house had the color and house number clearly visible.  The Tik Tok generation is truly caught up in a severe mental fog.  That's all I'll say about that.  So anyway, that was my Sunday.



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