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Here is a strapon video I found from 2009.  It isn't for the vanilla crowd that's for sure but I remember making it and many more like it.  I used to be into making guys suck strapons.  I still do it but it doesn't have quite the thrill it used to have.  I think it was a powertrip-type thing.  I do make guys eat their own cum very often, that has never gotten old so if you had your hopes up that I gave up on that, not a chance Mr!  So check it out, you were forewarned it's not a cookie-cutter porn so enjoy! @u125291845 

Sucked a dick today.  Got a mouthful of swimmers for my effort.  I was hoping for a gut full of breeders, but that didn't happen.  I have to remember not to get disappointed with the 20 to 25 yr olds.  He came into my mouth without any warning.  He was very quiet about it other than a whimper.  It felt like a big thick load, but I don't really know since I didn't spill any.  I drank it as it pumped into my throat—no chance of spillage.  It supplied me with some solid mental masturbation material when I got home, but I would have preferred a penis pushing my insides around until I made stupid faces.  I really don't want to call my boyfriend, but his dick is the only one bringing the A-game to my box anymore.  It is supposed to be the other way around.  I should be using him for cleanup duty, not my daily driver.  Such is the way of life, and things could be worse.  I could be getting laid every other month like so many poor married folks these days.  My girlfriend can't get her husband to fuck her, and she's hot.  What the fuck is with that?  My friend can't get his wife to fuck him, and he's hot.  He has a solid dick to go along with the hot part. I know. I have had it in me. Neither one will cheat on their husband/wife.  Again, I know.  I have tried with both of them.  I even tried to get both of them at the same time once.  Big swing and a miss with that one.  Oh well, I suspect one of them will change their mind soon.  I won't tell.  Except for you guys, I will tell you guys for sure.  The names will be changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

So.  I masturbated today, as you already know.  I tried something different.  No porn, no phone pictures to look at, just me and my mind.  It was harder to do than you would think.  Porn and porn pics provide me something to focus on.  The way his dick goes in and out of her box.  The way she kisses the tip of his cock.  It could be anything, but I focus on that anything, and it sends me over the edge.  Without any of that, I just had my own mental images and thoughts to work with.  It was hard to focus.  Every noise distracted me.  My mind would wander.  But I got it done, and I have to say it was a 9 out of 10 on the cum Richter scale.  It took almost 45 minutes, but I have to say it was worth it.  What did I focus on?  The way his knees bent up and down and the almost girlish whimper that was barely audible when he came.  Just my mouth was all that was need to make his body react that way.  My tongue on the head of his cock caused him to do things he couldn't stop himself from doing.  I was in control of his body when his cock was in my mouth, not him.  I thought about how I made his body release his sperm from his testicles, force it through his dick, and feed it to me down my throat.  That part of his body is mine now, and it's inside of me. Fuck, now I'm getting horny again, so time to stop.   Anyway, that is what made me cum.  I need to do the unplugged masturbation more often.  It is time-consuming, though, so I don't know how often I will do it, but I'm sure it will be repeated soon.


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