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Who doesn't love a wet T-shirt?  Better yet who doesn't love a dripping pussy? I know that I do.  Check these out and let me know what you think!

I have a friend who lives in Orlando, and she broke up with her boyfriend. Technically I could care less about that because neither one of them are sexually my cup of tea. My point of the story here is that my friend is horny, and she wants some dick. My answer to the problem was simply to go out and find some cock. That is kind of lousy advice because nowadays, finding dick is not as easy as it sounds. Plus, she is a little wider than tall, which doesn't help in the cock hunting mission. I also suggested that she get back with her ex just for a cock ride. She said she would absolutely love to do that, but she can't bring herself to do it. Apparently, it was a bad breakup. I asked her if he was good in the sack, and she said, " Oh my God, he was amazing.  So now, she piqued my interest. Doing what I do, I started in on the 20 questions. What I drag out of her was that he had an amazing cock. Even better, she had photos of it which she shared with me. I admit his dick was top-level. It hangs down to his knee, so I'm guessing it's 10 to 12 inches. She had a couple of pictures of it hard with her holding it, and it was enormous. It's kind of an oxymoron because it's attached to a 5 foot one tall man. He reminds me of George from the Seinfeld show with the opposite of a shrinkage problem. He's not attractive in my eyes as far as physical attributes go, but now I'm totally fascinated with him. I can't get that image of his massive cock out of my mind. I keep touching myself, thinking about that enormous penis stretching and moving my insides around. I'm almost obsessed with him sliding that cock inside me. I don't want to tick off my friend, but at the same time, my vagina needs that cock. It's not like I can just go enjoy that cock anytime I want. I don't really know this man, nor do I even know how to contact him other than Facebook. This is how pathetic I am. I already sent a friend request to him, and I hope he accepts. I have to figure out how to tell my friend that she can keep her ex-boyfriend, but I just want to take ownership of his cock. Nothing else, no romance, no romantic dinners, just his cock in my guts. But I'm getting ahead of myself because I haven't heard back from him, and I don't know that I will. What I can tell you is the suspense of waiting is driving my pussy insane. Even if I fuck someone else, all that I will be thinking about is his beautiful cock. It's very similar to that song that you get your head that you just can't get out. Just replace the song with a penis. I will keep you posted if we get in contact with each other. Fingers crossed.

The pics I took yesterday are zero edits, zero filters, just pictures straight out of the phone camera. By now, you all know that I mostly despise filters because they are becoming so prevalent that people are beginning to believe that they resemble the filtered version. They don't, and it's not even close. The latest filter, which is most disturbing to me, actually replaces your body and is so good that it is seamless. It does it with video as well. All you do is load a picture of the body that you want, and it replaces yours with that one. I couldn't tell even though I knew she was 50 pounds heavier than the body that she used. This has got to be bad for your head. I mean, we have to be raising an entire generation of psychos who have lost complete touch with reality over a phone. For fuck sake, they don't even know what they really look like. Anyway, not my concern. I don't have the time or the patience to go through photo by photo or video by video to fix all the fucked up things that are wrong with me. I like the fucked up things that are wrong with me. I think I look good with scars, bruises, bumps, and all kinds of other weird things. One last thing on this subject, and I say this with all sincerity. Guys, don't filter your pics. It's bad enough that the women do it obsessively, but when guys do it, I don't know. It just seems so un-guy-like. I like my dudes so much better when it's obvious they could care less what they look like because they are a God of men in their own mind. That's my kind of man. That doesn't mean you can get away without showering; remember that I told you that because if you're a stinky bastard, then no pussy for you.



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