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Look, it's MILF Monday, so you're getting some MILF photos. No point in arguing because I'm going to MILF you out on MILF Monday. You have to admit these photos are pretty epically MILF styled. I wonder if my neighbors sit around and think, you know that lady two doors down is an epic MILF. I certainly hope so. I kind of feel bad for lots of people who live around me because I know they're not getting any sex at all, and I'm thinking, man, that's got suck and when I say suck, I mean suck without any of the fun behind it. I hope when I'm 80, there is some thirtysomething stud brave enough to stick it in me because I'm pretty sure I'm still going to want to fuck. Anyway, enjoy these photos and let me know what you think.

Good Monday morning, everyone. I haven't done anything productive yet today, but I'm working on it. The most productive thing I've done today is picture the five or six guys renting the house two doors up naked. I live in a beach town, so people rent their homes as vacation rentals. And there are a group of guys all who looked to be in their early 30s and the perfect mix as in half black half white. I've already been told to knock it off because I have been caught driving by in my Jeep in my bikini top and short shorts. No luck whatsoever but a girl can try. Apparently, one of the guys there is related to the owner, who I know very well. I was asked that if I were to go up there and turn that house into a sperm fest, the owner would definitely find out, and what would she think about me then? Honestly, who really gives a rat ass about what anybody thinks these days. I'm simply enjoying my body by enjoying their cocks. Now not to jump the gun here because none of this actually happened, but I wanted it to. I just couldn't figure out how to make it happen. Plus, they might've told me just to go pound sand. I may operate like a porn movie, but apparently, not too many other people do. When it comes down to doing porn scenario-type stuff, I seem to be about the only one willing to actually go through with it. I think maybe because I'm massively voyeuristic and having people see and know what I've done turns my pussy into a waterpark. Even when people call me a whore in the vilest of ways, I get that slight tinge in my pussy, and I'm more liable to touch myself than I am anything else. It's just sex, people, and I know you've heard that a million times before, but that's all it is. And I very much happen to like sex in the absolute most obsessive way possible. I think it's mostly the mental aspect of sex that gets me off. I like knowing that other people know if that makes sense at all. I guess I have to give an example. When I was working as a home healthcare respiratory therapist, I sucked the guy off in the conference room, and everyone knew it. They would stare at me, and they would snicker and talk behind my back, but all that did was make me go into the bathroom and masturbate two or three times a day. The more of a whore they thought I was, the more of a whore I wanted to be. Which actually drove me on to do even more amazing and slutty things than even I thought possible. So my point here is that having my neighbors know that I fucked five or six guys in the rental house, knowing that their minds are picturing all the things that I did with all those cocks, only makes me touch myself. Sure it gets awkward when you're just sitting around talking, and I know that they are thinking about me getting ass fucked, but after five minutes or so, everybody gets back to normal. People get used to it, and I'm sure I provide lots of masturbation material for plenty of my neighbors, and I'm good with that. I would watch them if they let me. I wouldn't fuck them, but I would definitely watch them. I do like seeing people rub one out, be it a guy or girl.



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